ECE STUDY OF UNIVERSAL DAYCARE IN THE #NWT The last time I checked, 40 parents in the entire Northwest Territories qualified for the daycare subsidy. Under Charles Dents reign 10 parents in the NWT qualified. ECE was content with those numbers. The daycare subsidy was also structured in a way that daycares were left holding the bag and then blamed by ECE for holding the bag. There are no daycares in the communities and in Yellowknife or other regional centres there are very few daycares. ECE would not even invest in childcare training so that there is an actual workforce to provide childcare. Now Aurora College has a mickey mouse course that is laughable if it wasnt so sad and in my view workers leaving that program are not capable of providing quality childcare. ECE and the GNWT is perfectly content to institute programs that no-one qualifies for, that is the game plan. This research is ludicrous, similar from going to the street to living in a palace in the same day. Northerners and parents I know havent asked for a study, they have asked for childcare. I remember one year the Department of Health and Social Services had 41 strategy discussions on the table. The last ECE announcement was about handing out a bunch of book bags and how cool that was for kids. I agree, but it really doesnt do the trick - sort of like giving someone a drop of water in a desert. The department should downsize its policy and monitor staff until there is something to monitor. Not get rid of it altogether mind you but cut back on the empire building. As a starting point, the department should ensure parents qualify for the daycare, that they actually have a real ECE training program, and that communities have the infrastructure to offer daycare. Small communities actually forego millions of dollars in federal funding for childcare because they dont have qualified staff to deliver the program. Lets start there. I do get suckered and participate in many studies and consultations hoping that the GNWT can figure out how to implement something successfully, evidence I am an eternal optimist. This is one Study I would encourage parents and agencies to avoid and protest.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 15:37:27 +0000

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