ECLIPSE IN NOVEMBER A rare hybrid eclipse will hide the Sun on - TopicsExpress


ECLIPSE IN NOVEMBER A rare hybrid eclipse will hide the Sun on November 22/10/2013 - red alert of Sun eclipses are fairly common phenomena, especially partials, those in which the Moon cover partially to our star. Them are annular eclipses, which occur when the Moon is something more away from us than normal, smaller looks and when he gets in front of the Sun, do not cover it fully to be smaller in size, and the sky is a spectacular ring of fire, the edge of the Sun uncovered. Eclipses total Sun, when our Moon hides the Sun and night fall in broad daylight, are something more exceptional (all solar eclipses, 35% are partial, 32% are annular yel 28%, total). But there are other Sun eclipses that are not uncommon. At the end of a century, you can see about 200 eclipses of the Sun, of one kind or another, but 10 hybrid solar eclipses, only occur as it is the case that we will see on November 3, 2013, represent only 5% of all types of eclipses of the Sun. Even two eclipses of the Sun there are extremely strange and that only occur in the polar regions and represent less than 1% of all eclipses of the Sun, not central ring and non central total solar eclipse are called. This hybrid eclipse that we hope will begin being ring, later becoming a total to finally cancel, hence are called hybrid. This phenomenon is very easy to understand. In short, you will see the total eclipse those who observe it close to its half-day, and will it void, those covering it next to the exit or sunset (at the ends of the globe), since they are further away from the Moon and shadow fails completely to the ground. A hybrid eclipse occurs, the apparent size of the Moon and the Sun must be almost exactly equal or equal. It is curious, ever wonder why the Moon and the Earth are the same apparent size? It turns out that the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but also the Sun is 400 times further from the Moon than the Earth of it. This has not always been so, before the Moon was closer and had no annular eclipses, since apparently, the Moon was much larger than the Sun. With the distance of the Moon, little by little, total eclipses and hybrids will no longer exist, to make way for the annular and partial. The vision of the hybrid eclipse will take place if you just under the shadow that projects the eclipse, which is not large, and where the day darkens until he became almost at night, seeing even the stars. The maximum size of the shadow of an eclipse eclipses data is 272 km in diameter and moves as in the place which happens, among the 1,800 and 8,000 km/h, therefore there are aircraft prepared to follow longer eclipses of Sun (still the shadow, but we we are glued to the ground see only pass). At the time of the whole, a total eclipse can not exceed 7m 31s, maximum time that the Moon remains completely hiding the Sun, because the Moon is closer and therefore looks larger. And well see how partial thousands of km away from where goes the shadow of the whole (entire area). In the eclipse of November 3, the width of the shadow will be nothing more than 58 km. The maximum duration of the total eclipse, the maximum time that clog the moon to the Sun completely, i.e. 1 m 40s, in the best of cases, which will be South of the Ghana and Ivory Coast, since the sizes of both stars are nearly identical and the Moon moves quickly around the Earthso it is a very ephemeral total eclipse. Visibility of the eclipse of November 3 anular-total eclipse (hybrid), will begin to look like void to the East of the United States in the ocean, then it will be total moving in the Atlantic Ocean, passing through it without touching land until arrival at the equator in Africa. The dark Strip will go through the center of Gabon and the Congo, North of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Northern Uganda, Northwestern Kenya, ending to southern Ethiopia and Somalia as Rimfire Central. The eclipse will look like partial in Eastern North America and central, in the countries of North America from the South, North and central area of the Atlantic Ocean, in Europe in all Spain, southern Italy, South of Greece and all the islands of the Mediterranean, as well as in Turkey, in practice almost all of Africa and the Arabian peninsula. Area of the totality and bias. The central line and horizontal sample area which will be the total eclipse, on both ends of this line will be annular. From the horizontal centerline to the upper and lower horizontal, the eclipse will be partial. While further from the center line, the lower portion of the Sun that will hide the moon. Spain is the top for very little. Tip to view the eclipse 1.-do not look ever an eclipse of the Sun without proper protection, could result in serious eye injury or become blind. 2. Do not use sunglasses, x-rays, or smoked glass. 3. You must use special solar filters or glasses with filters, which are very cheap to be made of cardboard and sunscreens. They can be achieved by one or two euros in optical stores or shops with language astronomy materials. 4. Another safely and to see it in groups is to use binoculars or a small telescope and place behind a white cardboard which reflect the light of the Sun.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:03:06 +0000

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