ECO-MARXIST GLOBAL WARMING ALARMIST OPPOSITION IS EXACTLY WHY WE NEED TO APPROVE THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE: I. THE SCIENCE: The Case For the Keystone XL: Supposed CO2 emissions 9from the Keystone project) have not, or will not now or in the future cause global warming, man-made or otherwise: geocraft/WVFossils/greenhouse_data.html It’s even possible that CO2 may not affect global warming at all. During many stretches of planetary history, there has been no correlation between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and global temperature...other factors outweigh CO2 in their impact on global temperatures. Those other factors include variations in solar activity (accounting for 3/4 of the variability in earth’s temperature according to the Marshall Institute); changes in earth’s orbit and axis; albedo (reflectivity, meaning changes in cloud cover which are influenced by fluctuations in gamma ray activity); and volcanic and tectonic activity in the earth’s crust. For humans to presume that they are more than a gnat on an elephant’s rump in terms of impact on climate change is vain and delusive... forbes/sites/markhendrickson/2012/09/16/climate-change-hoax-or-crime-of-the-century/ Claims that CO2 is a pollutant are a myth and are absolutely false. In fact, lowering levels of carbon dioxide would actually inhibit plant growth and food production. What we see happening in Washington right now is the replacement of politics for science in conversations about CO2... Keystone XL Pipeline: “No Material Impact” on U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions... Mr. President, Its Not Carbon Pollution Its the Elixir of Life! II. THE POLITICS AND ECONOMICS: The Alberta Oil sands not a major source of climate change: IEA chief economist Fatih Birol played down the oil sands’ contribution to global warming, and said the long-term challenge is to access the energy-hungry markets of Asia while slowing the growth in emissions... m.theglobeandmail/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/oil-sands-not-a-major-source-of-climate-change-says-iea-economist/article15480326/?service=mobile Obama Is Running Out Of Reasons To Reject The Keystone Pipeline: Five years after the pipelines backers first asked the Obama administration for approval, the project remains in limbo, stuck in a complex regulatory process that has enabled Obama to put off what will inevitably be a politically explosive decision. But the release Friday of a long-awaited government report removes a major excuse for delay, ramping up pressure on the president to make a call... realclearpolitics/articles/2014/02/02/obama_running_out_of_reasons_to_reject_keystone_xl_121434.html#ixzz2sEiR19oj #KeystoneXL #AlbertaTarSands #EnergyIndependence #WintestormJanus #JudithCurry #ChristianaFigueres #MilankovitchCycles #SolarMaximum #SolarMinimun #WinterstormIon #ChrisTyurney #MVAkademikSchokalskiy #LubošMotl #AntarcticIceCap #NorthAtlanticOscillation #PacificDecadalOscillation #Winter2013 #GlobalCooling #RecordCold #Temperatures #CO2IsNotAPoulltant #GlobalWarmingAlarmism #ClimateDepot #ImpeachObama #ClimateGateII #ClimateChangeHoax #IPCC #ScienceSaysNo #ScienceSaysSo #ClimateCounterConsensus #AGWHoax #ArcticIce globalwarminghoax1.blogspot/ https://twitter/GlobWarmHoax
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 06:10:10 +0000

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