ECOLOGY OF PEACE GUERRYLLA LAW CLOSING ARGUMENT: [1] Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot Amici respectfully hereby offers an alternative search for -- Ecology of Peace (Sierra Club v. Morton) rule of law – truth (Jaffee v. Redmond) closing argument, in juxtaposition to the Defence and Prosecution’s civilized patriarchy legal matrix ‘rule of man’ closing arguments. Æquilibriæx Fully Informed Rule of Law Social Contract Orders: [2] United States Military and Intelligence Enlistment Contracts, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement and any other relevant military / intelligence agreements, should be amended to honestly fully disclose the Environment/Overshoot-Scarcity-Conflict ‘rule of man’ origins of war resulting from civilian jurisprudence’s failure to limit citizen’s procreation and consumption rights to ‘rule of law’ ecological carrying capacity limits. [3] In the absence of civilian legislation amending the ‘rule of man’ Constitution’s rights to procreate and consume to ‘rule of law’ ecological carrying capacity limits: [3.1] An honest Civilized Patriarchy Enlistment Agreement should inform any citizen/s that they are Enlisting to become cannon fodder soldier/s to be dispatched to plunder other nation’s resources, and lie to their fellow citizens, because their own country’s ecologically illiterate ‘rule of man’ social contract jurisprudence does not require their fellow citizens to procreate and consume below their nation’s ‘rule of law’ carrying capacity levels. [3.2] An honest Civilized Patriarchy Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement should explicitly inform a Military or Intelligence Employee that they are expected to keep the thieving, plundering and mass murder culling consequences secrets of the American civilized patriarchy socio-political elite, endorsed by the legal matrix jurists, and an Ecologically Illiterate ‘rule of man’ constitution; to themselves. [4] Consequently, the Prosecution should invite Pfc Manning to engage in an Ecology of Peace ‘rule of law’ settlement, whereby the charges against Pfc Manning are dismissed, if Pfc Manning demonstrates his sincere Ecology of Peace motivations for his disclosures, by signing the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath; or alternatively: [5] If Pfc Manning declines to demonstrate his sincere Peacenik motivations; by resolving this dispute by means of an Ecology of Peace settlement; the Prosecution should resist the ‘rule of man’ temptation to make a martyr out of Pfc Manning; and should instead take the ‘rule of law’ ecological and moral high road, by (i) confronting their own social trap ‘rule of man’ failures to establish military jurisprudence based upon fully informed consenting Enlistment Contracts and Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreements resting on the credible jurisprudence rock of a fully informed and consenting ‘rule of law’ social contract between military and civilian citizens; (ii) recommending Pfc Manning be given a dishonourable discharge, on the grounds of his failure to accept an Ecology of Peace rule of law settlement, and thus being a War-is-Peace-Whore scarcity-combatant.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 16:10:39 +0000

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