ECONOMIC BLUEPRINT (Executive Summary) BY HON EMMANUEL - TopicsExpress


ECONOMIC BLUEPRINT (Executive Summary) BY HON EMMANUEL IBESHI Ladies and gentlemen, last week I presented a comprehensive version of my economic plan. Please, find here a flash preview of the major topics in my plan: My economic plan is simple. It shall be based on five major platforms: Job creation, Reduction in the States debt profile, the Construction of Calabar Ogoja Obudu highways, Viability of all major capital Projects in the state, and addressing little things that matters. 1. Job creation: To address unemployment, I plan to introduce four new programs. a. Graduate Retraining Program through a state support scholarship scheme b. Micro Credit financing through cooperative lending to professional groups and age grades in local communities. c. Introduction of a garment Industry in Cross River State d. Cooperative Agriculture Export Promotion 2. Construction of Calabar Ogoja Obudu Highway: Although these are federal roads, I understand these are the live wire to the state. Not under my watch will I allow these roads continue like these. We cannot continue to wait for the federal government or the contractors to fix these roads. I will come up with a workable plan to fix these roads upon my resumption as Governor. 3. Viability of all State Capital Projects: The International Convention Center and the Obudu Mountains resort are two major state capital projects that I will make sure do not end up as liability to the state. I will do everything possible to bring in events, activities and tourist to the state. I will negotiate a flight route between Port Harcourt and Calabar, and will get into discussion with my Executive Governor colleagues in Akwa Ibom and Abia States to fix the Calabar Ikot Ekpene Aba roads once and for all. Once accessibility to Calabar is enhanced through the flight route and the road network into Calabar and Obudu accessible, it is my belief that tourism will be rekindled. 4. Reduction in the States debt Profile: Following the privatization of power in Nigeria, we plan to partner with international solar farm developers to build a 36 MGW solar farm in the state. This farm will be distributed to all the local government areas. This farm will be 100% investor financed. I have already started negotiations with two of the largest solar farm developers in the United States to this effect. The investor is expected to recoup her investment within 3 years after which the farm will serve as a source of revenue for my administration and the local council areas. My administration will witness the autonomy of the local government system. My rural transformation will be local government based. Through projected revenue from these farms resulting from the sale of power to the national grid, we anticipate to pay off the states debt within 6 years and at least 35% during the first four years of my administration. The details of this investment framework, associated cost, expected revenue, expected income to be generated to LGA on yearly basis, and how this will help reduce the states debt and provide additional income outside the states sources of income is contained in my comprehensive debt relief plan to be released soon. 5. Addressing Little Things that Matters: My administration shall address those very little things that matters. I will not want to be remembered as the Governor who built very big projects that failed, rather I want to be remembered as the Governor who addressed little things often neglected. I want to be remembered as the Governor who came on board and ensured that existing projects became viable. I will focus on making the Cattle ranch resort and the International Convention center viable. Not on my watch will any of these projects become a liability to the state government. The Calabar Ogoja -Obudu road will be permanently fixed in my first tenure as Governor. On rural roads, when necessary, I will fill pot holes, I will make sure our streets are kept in good sanitary conditions, I will make sure civil servants salaries are paid promptly, pensions and gratuity are never delayed, I will make sure public buildings are well maintained, school principals have their running cost allocations to ensure basic items required in primary and secondary schools are provided. I will be a Governor who will drive around to personally inspect projects and will make sure government is working. I will address Civil servants housing in Calabar and other major cities. I will address abandoned projects. I plan to work with Churches and other religious groups by providing grants to Churches to implement what I will term “community faith based initiatives”. Religious organizations will receive funding to initiate social service programs including schools, small clinics, youth mentorship programs and several poverty alleviation programs. I will ensure calabar is once more considered the cleanest state in Nigeria and I will actualize the MoU and agreements entered between Cross River State and The State of Maryland USA by Governor Imoke. I will make sure the benefits expected from Sister state -Sister City relationships are achieved.. And finally, I will invest directly in the lives of the people. I want to be remembered as the Governor who changed the life of the common man. Not only will I make the life of the common man meaningful, by God’s grace, I will be the instrument to change the testimony of the ordinary man. Give me a chance, never again shall it be business as usual. Thank you and God bless you.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:31:41 +0000

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