ECONOMY & FOOD SECURITY UN FAO: NK has been able to secure - TopicsExpress


ECONOMY & FOOD SECURITY UN FAO: NK has been able to secure 290,600 tons of various grains from abroad from November 2012 through June of this year. The total is equal to just 57% of the 507,000 tons the North needs to secure by October to prevent a food shortage for its people. NKnet: KJU recently ordered the construction of roller-skating rinks in several areas around the country. Roller-skates are now a common sight in the markets, but the price range of 120-150 RMB (equivalent to around 25kg of rice) is prohibitively expensive for average NKoreans, making them a status symbol. REFUGEES Daily NK: The NKorean authorities have transferred the duty of tracking down and repatriating defectors from the National Security Agency to the General Bureau of Reconnaissance, with GBR agents in their teens and early twenties being dispatched to the field in an attempt to improve defector capture rates. Source: “They hide their identity until the last moment, then, just before the defectors are due to head for Thailand or Laos, they seize and repatriate them… They are also using defector families to try and lure defectors back to North Korea. It will be hard to avoid them.” Daily NK: Concern has been growing recently within the defector community in SK over suspicions that the National Security Agency is seizing defectors when they visit China and taking them back to the North. This is because of a rising number of instances in which contact with defectors is lost once they are in China. SK PM Chung Hong-won, speaking to young defectors: “As future leaders in the era of the reunification, elite North Korean defectors can vividly describe (to the North) the circumstances here, especially what freedom and happiness mean.” The audience consisted of young defectors (mostly university students) who are members of a new Reunification Leaders’ Academy, a govt-sponsored educational program on diverse inter-Korean issues including reunification and security issues. Check Out the Link Below for More...
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 20:19:28 +0000

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