EDF paid £3 million to shut down 48 new wind turbines. The - TopicsExpress


EDF paid £3 million to shut down 48 new wind turbines. The “constraint payments”, which averaged around £500,000 per month, ultimately come from electricity bills and are given to wind farm companies for not producing energy during periods of high generation or low demand. This usually happens when it is too windy, in order not to overload the National Grid, but can also occur when maintenance work on the Grid is being carried out. Campaigners said the payments for not producing electricity – which spiked at more than £320,000 per day – demonstrated the consequences for consumers of Alex Salmonds drive for wind energy north of the Border. The transmission network lacks the capacity to transport much of the electricity generated by wind farms in rural Scotland to urban centres in England where demand is highest. Linda Holt, spokesman for anti-wind farm group Scotland Against Spin, said: “The massive constraint payments Scottish wind farms receive are the result of a skewed planning system which allows wind farms to be built before the infrastructure is in place to take all the energy they produce. “Wind development in Scotland is out of control, wind speculators are mopping up millions in subsidies and were all paying for electricity we cant even use. The Duke of Roxburghe did not benefit from the constraint payments. telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/scotland/10423982/EDF-paid-3-million-to-shut-down-Scottish-wind-farm.html
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 08:49:57 +0000

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