EDITION #1 As much as we would like to deny it, we all must come - TopicsExpress


EDITION #1 As much as we would like to deny it, we all must come to the grips with the cold hard fact that we are getting older. Fortunately for me, while many of my friends and family have gained in years and lost their coolness, I havent. Let’s face it, for most people, aging means falling behind in trends and losing track of the latest fashions just like losing hair and getting wrinkles. Although the latter two have been difficult to stave off, I have been able to keep “cool” part of my daily regimen. Case in point: I have enjoyed spending a lot of time with my “late twenties aged” nephew lately since he took a job in Harrisburg after living in Tulsa for a few years. In so doing, I was shocked to realize Oh my God, hes just not cool anymore. The latest trends and styles have passed him like he was an Amish Buggy on the Autobahn of life. I do not mean to pick on James. The fate of growing older and not being nearly as cool as they once were is a sickness that has inflicted many people close to me, not just James. I couldnt bear to stand by and watch this disease take down so many people that I care about. I feel compelled to do something. I can’t just to stand by and watch while many of you start pulling your pants up past your navel and wear socks with sandals. Since individual coaching sessions for coolness to all of you is more than I can commit to right now, I have decided to start with the one aspect vital to being in top of the latest trends: Music. The music world is where we see the latest in clothing, technology, and verbiage all come together. It is a snapshot of the latest developments in our culture. When I say “music”, I’m not talking about the crap you hear on the Top 20 Bubblegum Pop radio station. Rather, I’m referring to trend setting new music made by cutting edge new artists with real instruments, not music created by the marketing department of a billion dollar record company. Like I said, staying on top of the music world is the first step to staying on top of the latest in everything else. Unfortunately, like your eyesight and hearing, it is the first thing to go. I used to always enjoy talking to my other nephew, Pat, about exciting new music. When he was in college he would regularly steer me to great new tunes. However, since he entered corporate America, out latest conversation was more like me suggesting a new band I just discovered and him saying “Huh? Never heard of them.” Even worse than that, I recently peeked at Brent’s iPod. I thought it was stuck on a 90s playlist, but as it turns out, that was everything he had on it. Seriously, how much “CC Music Factory” can a man listen to and still walk down the street with his head up? So, here it is: New for 2014, I have decided to start Scotts Music Club and include you as a free lifetime member. Here is how it works. You do nothing except check your email. Once or twice a month, I will select a song on my iPod and send it out to you. Ill give you a little synopsis of who it is by, what its about, and why you should like it. This way, you’ll be able to go up to your average 20 something and say “Hey, did you hear that new song by…”and they’ll say: “Wow, you know that one? You’re really cool !!! You must be much younger than you look!” At this point, just shake your head “Yes, I am”. No need to give accolades to me, go ahead and take all the credit. Also, feel free to share the Scott’s Music Club email with anyone you want to. Coolness is something we want to share with the masses. If someone would like be a free subscriber, have them email me to be put on the list. Most of my songs will be from the College Alternative Rock to EDM (Electronic Dance Music for those of you are really behind) genre. Also, I will try to focus on new bands and artists. Occasionally, I may send a bonus track out with an older song that you can still have in your library without looking as old as you are. Hopefully, you will enjoy the new music and gain an appreciation for some new bands. If nothing else, I hope my efforts will help you avoid that awkward situation of pulling up to a red light with the window down, blaring your 70s disco music, and having some kids on skateboards start laughing hysterically. Now, for the first song of 2014… Dangerous By: Big Data https://youtube/watch?v=E8b4xYbEugo Dangerous is the first single from the electronic band/duo Big Data. The song is from their forthcoming EP, “1.0.” No release date has been set for it yet, but we should see it soon. The duo, Big Data, is kind of “odd” in that they’re not two musicians dreaming of making it big. Rather, they are just one time project dreamed by Daniel Armbruster of Brooklyn, and Alan Wilkis of Rochester,NY. The Big Data project was developed to bring awareness to the “hazards of the internet age”, particularly when it comes to security and scrutiny by the NSA, Facebook, and other sites that have access to information about us that we are not aware of. How timely this is???? They are concerned about how easy it is for websites, corporations, and government to monitor what we do through our electronic devices without us having any idea that we are being watched. But, it doesn’t stop with the government Big Brother theme. They also want to raise attention to how we, as a culture, have become obsessed using social media to watch the lives of others. It is kind of like voyeurism in 21 century. Social Media has made our lives public knowledge and made finding privacy difficult. To keep with this theme, the lyrics of our song, Dangerous, certainly give you that creepy feeling of being watched. Give it a listen and you’ll get the gist. But, it is the intoxicating baseline that drives this song. If Les Claypool (Primus) ever made an electronic record, it would sound like this. Other than the base, the record is very simple and straight forward, but hard to turn off. I doubt this song will cross over onto any regular radio, which is fine, we’ll keep it for ourselves. Enjoy it and your return comments are welcome.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:05:43 +0000

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