EDITORIAL(July) Good to Pursue The Manners When I was a student - TopicsExpress


EDITORIAL(July) Good to Pursue The Manners When I was a student of Xth class, on the way to returning from school me and one of my friend saw a pair of turned shoes and a old shirt lying under a road side tree. Those supposed to belong to a poor man who was working in a field nearby. “Let us have fun, we will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind the bushy trees, and wait to see his puzzlement when he cannot find them.” My friend told to me. I replied, “We should never entertain ourselves at the cost of the poor. But you are from a rich family; you have your pocket money given by your father. It may give you a large amount pleasure by means of this poor man. Put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how this affects him.” My friend did so and we both hide ourselves behind the bushes nearby. While putting on his shirt the man slither his foot into one of his shoes, but feeling something hard he saw his shoe and found the coin. He became surprised and looked at it again and again with happiness. He put the money into his pocket, and tried to put on the other shoe; but he bolt from the blue by finding the other coin. He suddenly kneeled dawn, looked up to the sky and thanked God for he has got coins for his sick and hungry child and wife. Even he cried and looked here and there to find the person, who kept the coins for him. His face was dazzling with gratitude and gladness after getting the coins. Our eyes also filled with tears. My friend told me, “You have taught me a lesson which I will never fail to remember. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never implicit before: It was a good manner we applied in spite of bad tricks with that poor man. And in return we get much pleasure, satisfaction of mind and new lesson in life. From that day onwards my mischievous friend became the finest one, who begun to share her pocket money, Tiffin to the poor classmates. Her bad attitudes, rough manners turned into good manners, in everything she became a kind and loving student in our school who got the Award of Best Student Of the Year too. My Dear young friends, here I want to say, Approach each one in a positive manner. No matter where on the Earth we live, once the sun rises, we all get up with a preparation of what needs to be done for the day. We all require communicating others – either family or friends. And once the sun sets, we all go to sleep. At the end of the day, no matter what race, religion, gender, or any difference we can think of, we are all human beings trying to live a good quality life. As sun rises and sets are same for everyone. The important thing is to be the best that you can be for yourself, as well as for those around you. Treat others as valued individuals, apart from of their position, level, status, race or religion. It is always good and blessed to pay respect to your teachers and elders. While in class be punctual, be attentive in study, speak truth, follow the schedule, participate in all events, treat everyone equally, and be honest and polite to others. I have read a nice verse from The Bible that, "Evil communication corrupts good manners" (I Corinthians 15:33,). It means, pure, good communication makes good manners. Bad company and communication drags us into evil path and makes us evil having bad manners. Ultimately it harms and corrupts our good manners. So always be good and be with good company. Follow the manners, which teach students to be sincere, hard working, energetic and self dependent. It stops students from being brutal. Students with good manners make society good and progressive. Good manners standardize the students like discipline and good characters. So, students should deserve good manners and good characters to secure good future of Institution, society and the country. Each and every one should encourage one another to learn good manners to generate a good and ideal society. May’ Lord Bless you with superior manners and good attitudes!!!!! N.Lena Chand Editor
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 06:49:37 +0000

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