EDO CULTURAL DAY CLEBRATION IN AMERICA; GOVERNOR OSHIOMOLEs TRIP IN RETROSPECT. The Governor has only recently returned from the United States of America where he honoured an invitation extended to him by our brothers and sisters in the diaspora far away America! This is quite commendable and I must thank the Governor for finding time to fellicitate with our people in the foriegn land where loniness can be a very challenging companion! He is however alleged to have attended the occassion with an unsually large number of aides and other political associates which included the APC factional Speaker Uyi Igbe, other APC factional legislators, commissioners and some Royal fathers all at the expense of the States lean resources. Close to half a billion naira was withdrawn and expended on this trip alone by the Governor and members of his entourage. We are not told what exchanged hands between the Governor on behalf of the good people of Edo State and our people in the United States. Yet, we know that as Africans, we cannot expect him to attend that occassion and walk out without some form of monetary encouragement. The Opposition PDP expectantly, cried foul and promptly pointed out the collossal waste of Public funds on the trip. As a matter of fact, it was Chief Dan Orbih, quoting figures that brought this hidden fact to the publics notice and every lover of developement must thank him immeserly for living up to the demands of an opposition leader. In a disjuncted reaction, the States Commissioner of information and Orientation took a swipe at the State opposition chief for what he called lies by the state PDP leader. His choice of words were masked with so much venom and hatred that I could only imagine what would have happened between these two men had they come face to face with each other. He described Chief Dan Orbihs statement as idiotic, from a leprousy infected mouth, before dismissing it as a lie. He attempted to twist facts by saying that Comrade Adams Aliu Oshiomole took a commercial flight as against a chattered flight from Nigeria to America. While not holding brief for Chief Dan Orbih, the truth is that he never accused the Governor of taking a chattered flight to Chicargo. He only complained of the huge amount expended as a result of an over bloated entourage. This was what prompted my article of yesterday. I mentain that the Edo State Governor is surrounded by political vampires whose only interest is just to suck Edo State dry and line their pockets full with money. I re-emphasise that they do not have neither his interest nor the interest of the State at heart. They actually dispise him and their wish to take him to his political galgotta will sooner rather than later materialise. Has the Governor bottered to ask how sensitive information materials lands on the desk of the opposition Chief, such that he speaks confidently on issues as if he is part and parcel of what is going on in Government circle? This Governor has simply surrounded himself with his enemies and traitors and we are in for very interesting revelations at the expiration of his tenure. All those mid night decisions where the real dicisions are taken will be made known to the public. The signs are there already. He will soon realise that apart from Philip Shuaibu, Osarodion Igie, Clem Agba, Romeo Omoike and maybe a hand full of close aides, he will be totally abandoned to face his fate. One fact must however be made clear here, the above mentioned names are not insulated from the satanic political club of bad advisers to the Governor. They are infact ranked among the front of all of them all. Simply put, they are, the real sources of his problems having succeeded in redirecting the Comrade Governor from his original calling and placed him on a path that will lead him to Political doom. They have benefitted emmersely financialy more than any other person at the expense of the States resources. In return, they have now become sworn apostles of the comrade Governor and as such may not have the latitude to abandon him now or in the future. Fact remains that they are enemies of the State; bloody political vampires!!! I am at loss why the State Government should fund the trips of commissioners, members of the legislative arm that is even in disarray, Special Advisers, Senior Special Advisers for a function they were invited for or not invited at all, when they are well paid. The Presence of the Governor meant that the State was adequately represented. What was the business of his Chief of Staff there, when his Chief potocol officer was present? What was the business of Prince Greg Ogiogwa, a man I am told is a Prince by marriage there. He was on ITV two weeks before this trip praising to high heavens and Eulogising the Governor and rewarded with a trip to America! This was not the kind of People driven Government that was expected from Comrade Oshiomole. With the death of Comrade Olaitan, these political vampires quickly kidnapped the Governor, chased away geniune people around him with their made up lies and gossips before settling down to feast on our states resources. Right now, Edo State Government is in a State of inertia and nobody knows where we are heading to. May I remind readers that this state belongs to everyone of us and it is our responsibility to speak out when things are wrong or wrongly done. The success of our tenant at Osadebey Avenue is our Success, while his failure is our failure. I do not care about other States. I certainly do not believe the lazy reasoning of some persons who have been programmed to always respond by saying PDP was there for ten years and did nothing. After all, the same persons that ensured the perceived failure of PDP before now, have taken over the APC such that the APC is now a more evil anti people party in Edo State. May I also remind readers, that given the volume of cash at the PDP Governments disposal and what currently obtains now, both Governments are at par with each other in terms of dividends of democracy. Yet, what did they do before now is the veil used in covering the gullible publics eyes while serious looting goes on unabated. How do one explain a situation where in the glaring face of failed political promises, the Governor takes an abnormally large number of Polical aides and party Chieftains for a picnic abroad under the cover of honouring an invitation for Edo State Day abroad. Uptill this moment, the State Government is yet to defend that over Four hundred million was withdrawn for transportation and logistics for this trip. To them, we must not complain because what did the PDP do before now? Edo State Government can afford to spend this huge amount of money on a mere social activity, yet, this state ranks among the highest if not the highest that has a huge casual work force. The so much hyped job creation campaign promis was a hoarse after all. The enabling enviroment is not just there. Apart from one or two political thugs who have now joined the ranks of over night millionaires, very few educated youths have been employed. Yet, teachers that have been promoted since 2011/2012 and have been issued promotion letters to that effect are yet to be finacially adjusted to their new salary levels. September Salary pay roll for teachers just recenty realeased by the ICT shows that these teachers are still on their previous salaries while they have been issued letters of promotion to a higher salary grade level. As it is now, Comrade Oshiomole must do something fast if he must be remembered on the good side of history. He must quickly do away with all these praise singers around him and go for more competent hands who will look him in the face and offer proper and genine advise. Some of them are still in his Government, just that these political vampires and members of the evil cult from the pit of hell have blocked and shut them out. Had the Governor spent this money on an entourage that included talented Secondary Schools Students drawn from the three Senatorial districts of the state as well as some tertiery institution students, the story would have been different as he would have been applauded for such a novel move. These are the real people who needed the trip and not already made Ohiomole political Billionaires, Millionaires and upcoming Billionaires/ Millionaires.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:26:30 +0000

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