EDUCATION AND FREEDOM - Essays on Life by prakash thapa Because, - TopicsExpress


EDUCATION AND FREEDOM - Essays on Life by prakash thapa Because, nothing is permanent, everything is going to die and disappear. So, we should be very watchful to observing things and activities deeply so that we would be able to understand the nature of existence, we would be able to understand the meaning of life, the realities of life. So we know happiness and sorrows appear and disappear like the clouds in the sky, they do not live longer, so that life itself is different than that of the state of happiness and sorrow, because life is bigger than these sensations, activities and movements. Life never remains same, because it is a moving energy, it keeps changing, it keeps moving on and on. Life is, in fact, beautiful, but there are minor situations, circumstances, which make life ugly, which destroy the beauty of life. For instance, the political systems, the corrupt systems and the government, the corrupt thinking make life uglier; they destroy life, happiness and so on. Can we always imagine something new, can we think of something which gives us new insight, and can we listen to something, which is very new and which brings joy in our life? — Because, thinking something beautiful is always creative, and it gives us bliss, it inspires us, it gives us energy to live, and it makes us move ahead in life. It seems that imagining something is free, because it does not make us slave to any ideas, concepts, and beliefs, but it liberates us from such bondage of thinking, it gives us new avenues, new horizons and spaces to think and feel the essence of beauty and truth. Imaginings are always fresh and new, they do not give us the burden of traditions, memories, experiences and beliefs, they are like the spaces of the universe which go on increasing, because they are infinite, and they cannot be measured— so that to imagine is to create, and to create something is always moving, because it does not rest to any fixed point, fixed belief, fixed concepts and ideologies. So, it makes us understand about what it means to live freely, live totally, live moment to moment, understanding the science of thinking creatively, because thinking creatively gives freedom of imagination, freedom to create something new and genuine, something which is totally life-like. Imagination is movement, because it moves, it travels in spaces, searching new possibilities and scopes of life, so it never rests, but it keeps moving. Imagination is movement, it is a moving energy and it is therefore creative. We know there are thousands of ideas, concepts, beliefs, sects, traditions but they are not final, they are not the absolute truth because thinking goes on expanding each moment like that of the universe, because imagination is a living process of thinking, so that it never rests at certain points, it is always uncertain, it is uncertainty, because uncertainty is the way of life, and life is moving each moment from certain situations to uncertain situations, and it is the dynamics of life, it is the reality of life, because it never rests on certain points or fixations. amazon/education-and-freedom-ebook/dp/B00b9J7TVY
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 07:15:52 +0000

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