EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FAILS TO APPOINT TEACHER IN URI SCHOOL Zaffer Nabi Uri- 31 Oct.Education department has been totally failed to post the ReT (Reh-ber-Taleem) teachers in the Primary Schools of Zone Jullah in border town Uri of Baramulla district. Government Primary school Dulanja “B” located close to Line of Control (LoC) in border town Uri, running under Sarva Siksha Abhiyan the school is still locked as education department has failed to depute the teachers in the School where at-least 30 students were studying. In May 2012,education department advertised around two dozen posts for Jullah Zone in which Dulanja village also forms a part. Shafiq Ahmad Mir, a resident who claims to be only graduate in the village had also applied for the post. A merit list 16 candidates was issued to Chief Education Officer Baramulla and list was forwarded to Director school education for the further action. On 27-08-2013 Under Secretary to Government of School Education Department directed the Director School Education to make the proposal for engagement of Sixteen candidates as ReT’s in Primary Schools of Zone Jullah of Uri. But till date the file is lying at the Director’s office. “Now it is up to the director education.If he will give approval to the file so that school could open again and many careers could be saved from ruining,”Shafiq Ahmad Mir said. “Children are roaming here and there as they have forgotten to study, even some of them have forgotten how to wish salaam,” he added The sarpanch of the Zone Jullah Nadeem Abbasi told that education department is not sincere towards the education of the students as are they are playing with the careers of students. “After the death of a local ReT,Ab lateef who was running this school single handily,the students were shifted to the nearest primary school,” Syed Tufail Ahmad,Zonal Eduaction Officer Jullah said. “We have sent a proposal to the government seeking the appointment of ReT’s. However, we haven’t received a nod till now,” he added.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 08:10:04 +0000

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