EDUCATION DEVOTED TO UPLIFTING POLITICIANS VERSUS CHILDREN we are blessed to live in a world that until very recently was becoming increasingly prosperous – a point of celebration for all who delight in the uplifting of their fellow man. Much of that progress can be traced to increased productivity; the opportunities of global commerce; and social progress with health, hunger, and education. Prosperity opens the door for us to do even better for our children – including educating them toward the challenges of a competitive world. Unfortunately, preparing our young is one of many areas where America, by international standards, is losing ground. Money, facilities, and manpower are not the problem. We are spending far more on public education now than we ever have; schools are newer; and the number of students per teacher meets or exceeds world standards. More doesn’t automatically equate to better. Education on how to compete, survive, and thrive in the real world has been replaced with education on how to feel good in a make believe world. The mental and physical school dropout rate exceeds the graduation rate for good reason. Students recognize the system’s insincerity. Obligatory education sounds good in theory but works poorly in practice. Some suggest that reducing educational liberties is an effort to dumb down the culture. Those resisting the lobotomizing of our children are pushing education policies that encourage competition, competency, creativity, and rethinking of the word compulsory. Self-serving teacher unions are another enemy of education. These organizations persistently resist any efforts to address performance and accountability. Though unions stand behind the pretense of protecting our children and teachers – their actions speak to the agendas of power and self-service as more sincere motivators. Part of our education system’s failure can be traced to elitist state and federal bureaucrats using dollars to steal control from local communities. Buckets of money and reams of policies and procedures will never replace the connected and loving hands of caring parents and teachers closest to the student reality. This is where America’s public education system will be repaired – by people more dedicated to outcome than bureaucratic procedures… “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” – Abraham Lincoln The Candid Conservative Says— Want to improve education – create a system where the money follows the children – not the bureaucracy.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:42:44 +0000

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