EDUCATION Education is taken as one of the tool that can be used - TopicsExpress


EDUCATION Education is taken as one of the tool that can be used to fight poverty. Unfortunately poverty was not caused by being uneducated but education has caused poverty in Africa. There is African education and European education, normal a person is considered learned if he has been educated in a European education because the world is controlled by Europe. African were educated long before Europeans came and their education was superior in a way that there was no poverty when they were under their education system .African education was creating self employed people yet the European education create employed people. There were far less poor people in African education as compared to European education. Countries like Nigeria, Ghana and Zimbabwe are a bit ahead when it comes to European education yet those countries are not free from poverty. Education was meant to train people to be qualified workers to do someone job properly. There are so many educated people who are poor without any food, clothing and shelter they are suffering with their education because they have been taught a certain way but there is no one to employ them. Every field that one is trained in it is vital only if there are still job opportunities in that field otherwise you are as good as any one who is not educated in a European way. Poverty was created by all the above mentioned things including education. Before European education was introduced everyone was taught from the early age how to produce food, raise livestock, healthy living and other life skills. Before the Europeans came we were eating and our food was even healthier as compared to the European food, there were even less diseases as compared to these days. When someone go to study to be chef ,he will study to cook European food not African food as if we Africans were not eating or cooking before the European came. The reason for that is that once the Europeans are certified that he can cook for them, they will then give that person a certificate confirming that he can now cook for them and be their employee and that is what is called education. Then if you know how to cook African food you will not be taken as educated until you know how to cook European food. Education is more about learning how to do things the European ways. This current education system has striped Africans of all the abundant knowledge that was gathered by our forefathers and made us illiterate. Today we are considered uneducated because we have agreed to be defined by other nations who consider us inferior by not undergoing their education systems. European education which is currently taught in African schools will never eradicate poverty as it is the one that creates poverty. What is it that has been invented by the so called educated Africans? Except following the procedures that they were taught by their masters. That is the reason that even most African leader s cannot change the plight of our people because they are just programmed like a computer to follow a certain procedure. It is disgusting that even our kings are training in Europe yet they will rule Africans, what is it that they are learning there in Europe as they will be African leaders. African leader must learn in Africa to familiarize themselves with African problems, African problems are not the same as European problems. They waste a lot of money going overseas to copy some European systems because they cannot think for themselves .We do not elect people to power just to move around and copy some certain systems, they must be lateral thinkers come with new ideas. African cannot be innovative and come with new ideas that can be sold even to overseas people because of European education. This education system has made us tails not heads as we are always followers.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 12:31:33 +0000

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