‘EDUCATION FOR ALL’ A STUMBLING BLOCK TO A QUALITATIVE EDUCATION The advocacy of education for all by the federal government has marred the quality of education thereby leaving the educational system in our country valueless. Further elucidation and consultations has made us realize in due course that most uninterested students were and still being pulled into the educational system with little or no payment at all thereby resulting to the educational sector by the Federal government forgetting or neglecting the adage of the elders that “you cannot appreciate and value what you do not pay for”. This concept has done more harm than good to the education sector despite the huge amount being pumped into it. The level of discipline has deteriorated in the school due to the fact that students coupled with the government are being begged to come to school thereby leading to the breaking down and breaching of the school rules and norms which has caused the abuse of the educational system in our country compared to the level of education as of old. Furthermore, these graduated truant students are employed to teach in schools being funded by the government as a result contributing to the further demolition of the education system to the barest minimum thereby rendering the educational level and spirit worse than dead. The aftermath effect of this concept I strongly believe that the government who as being paying for the degeneration of the educational sector will not be able to pay for its resuscitation and if at all they are able to, the might not recover from the debt easily. Moreover, I want you to know that low international recognition will set in as those we think will be able to represent us well will disgrace us , those we think will be able to protect us will fail us, then tell me the essence and dignity of a country that has been robbed of its integrity as well as dignity. However, it is our simple advocacy that: This concept should be totally ruled out of the agenda of the federal government so as to allow students who are ready to read write and abide by the school rules and regulation into schools on merit, Career advisers should be employed so that student would be fixed into their own area of interest. Recruitments of members of staffs should be on merit and not on tribal basis. Competition should be set in motion for the children of those who are unable to afford the payment of school fees but whose children wants to read. the money spend on the education al sector should be better used to create a conducive and accommodating learning environment which will boost the assimilation of student in our dream schools in the terms structures and building of individuals potentials . Finally, the school fees should be subsidized not to the barest minimum as the excess money pumped into the system should be used to construct a fully equipped vocational training school for those students who do not want to go for formal form of education. The government should help expatiate on this concept of education for all as my article awaits criticism from all angles. TEEKEN@13
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 22:33:54 +0000

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