EDUCATION OR OBFUSCATION, TRUTH OR PANDERING TO THE GALLERY, REASON OR SOPHISTRY? Or: human rights,real or perceived as such? Education needs preparation or it can lead us astray,even the best of it,i mean. Education,learning the views of minds other than our own,requires a thorough grounding in that bedrock called OBJECTIVE TRUTH. Without such objective truth as our reference point,can we ever tell right apart from wrong with any certainty? I dont think! Today,when everything certain groups of people want to do is called -but wrongly so - a Human Right, how do we discern what is human or not? What deserves the name or doesnt. There are many self-styled gurus today,of TV and screen,and legislative groups,and newspaper journalists and citizen-journalists who discuss matters of human-behaviour without having the slightest idea of the Universal Guiding Principles which govern every different aspect of human or human-like behaviour. Now,it is a basic philosophical tenet that you can apply a universal principle to an individual case,namely,descend from the universal to the individual. But NEVER can you rise from the individual to the universal,or formulate a Universal Principle from or based upon an individuals situation. And they who deny this are either not knowledgeable or they are UNloving for LOVE IS INEXTRICABLY BOUND TO TRUTH,AND NEVER CAN THERE BE A PARTING OF THE WAYS! What are human rights? Exactly what the name says,Human. And what makes us human? The Intellect, or Reason, and the Will with which God,the Creator, has endowed us. Animals,for example,have no reason and no will. They follow the dictates of their animal nature,or instincts unregulated by will or by reason. So human rights are just that: they are what we have a right to by virtue of our being human. By dint of the FACT that we have been created by God in HIS OWN IMAGE AND LIKENESS. This takes into consideration the REAL common-good,as well. Some rights are absolute,like the right to food and more. Others are relative,like the right to own a house being limited in size by the amount of land that a nation can fairly dispose of. But rights are Real and they are HUMAN RIGHTS WHEN THEY DERIVE FROM OUR GOD-ENDOWED HUMANITY,OUR HAVING BEEN MADE IN GODS IMAGE AND LIKENESS,VERITABLE TEMPLES OF HIS HOLY-SPIRIT, WHICH DONT YOU DARE DEFILE. Any other things, wrongly-named human rights, ARE NOTHING MORE THAN,AT BEST,PERCEIVED RIGHTS,AND,AT WORST,THE WISH TO IMPRISON YOURSELF IN THE CONCEIT OF YOUR EGO AND DECIDE TO LIVE IMMORALLY AND CALL SUCH LIFE-CHOICES A HUMAN RIGHT. Like hell they arent! Anything which debases human nature,anything which denatures humanity,anything unnatural,anything sinful may be CALLED a human-right. It may even be approved in the statute book of Civil Law. But it remains NOT a human right but merely a perceived one or,perhaps, a usurpation and abuse of the word human....
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 17:09:54 +0000

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