EDWARD CHOMBA IS WANTED IN USA, LIVES OFF WOMEN Eddie Chomba, the PF Presidential spiritual advisor is a disgraced Bishop from the Orthodox church. He was chased after they discovered that he didnt have the qualifications he claimed to have. He is an expert in manufacturing things from Matero university which he uses to get various jobs and positions. Years back, he was even employed at Zambia Airways as an accountant using a fake qualification. He has a lot of things that cannot be traced. He thrives on marrying rich women and living off them and everything Chiluba said about him was true. When Sata discovered that he was fake but still needed his services, he told him live on radio to repent if what people were saying was true. He is slime and likes to position himself with leaders, who initially trust him thinking he is a real Bishop. He doesnt even preach in any church at all and has masqueraded as many things in the past and now. Whichever party wins next year, he will try to be close to them, so look out for him. He once married a woman with a high job in South African Airways just for the sake of moving around and he did the same to a Nigerian woman. Right now he cant go back to the USA and he ran away due to bigamy and tricky deals that he always cheat people with. He married an American woman and Nigerian resident in the USA at the same time and so had to run or face jail. So saying hes based in the USA is another of his lies coz he lives right here. Most of his cases are on the internet and u are encouraged to just google his name and u will be shocked. At some point, he sued a woman working for ZRA claiming his child. Its believed he just wanted money from her. In that case, the court referred to him as a federal judge in the USA, meaning that its what he passed himself as. He also promised to marry a woman from ZANACO, name withheld, whom he abused and dumbed when he discovered the current wife who is a business woman and had more money than the other woman. And as usual, he lives off this woman. He is believed to be so much in witchcraft and satanism and one woman he was supposed to marry, name withheld, dumped him due to the same. He is said to be so slime that he can charm a snake and it can be the reason why he has not been in jail yet after so many crimes. But the time for Eddie Chomba to pay has come and lets see if he will again manage to run away from the country fearing the law. The first direction I will point u at is to see the qualifications he must have used to be on the Water Board, and I can almost guarantee u that he probably used fake papers. That is Eddie Chomba for you in brief.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:40:29 +0000

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