EDWARD SNODEN AND NWAGBOO ELOCHUKWU ELORD , WHAT DO THEY HAVE IN COMMON?. About Edward Snoden , As it was reported in this following wikipedia url address , en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden undefined undefined Edward Joseph Ed Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer specialist and former CIA employee and NSA contractor who disclosed up to 200,000 classified documents to the press. The cache contains details primarily about the United States NSA mass surveillance program, as well as its counterparts such as the British GCHQ and Israels ISNU. Currently Snoden is living in Russia under temporary asylum, Snowden is considered a fugitive by American authorities who have charged him with espionage and theft of government property. Snowdens release of NSA material was called the most significant leak in US history by Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg. Based on disclosures leaked to The Guardian in May 2013, while employed by NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, a series of exposés was published revealing Internet surveillance programs such as PRISM, XKeyscore, Tempora, STORMBREW and MUSCULAR, as well as the interception of US and European telephone metadata. Snowden has been a subject of controversy: he has been variously called a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a traitor, and a patriot. Response from US officials has been similarly varied; Director of National Intelligence James Clapper condemned Snowdens actions as having done huge, grave damage to US intelligence capabilities, while United States Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that the NSA had gone too far in some of its surveillance activities and promised that it would be stopped. In Snowdens own words, his sole motive for leaking the documents was to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them. The disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy. About Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , As abtractly reported presently from Landshut Germany , On 19th of November of 2013 of Anno Domino. Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , is an Afro-Deutsch distinguished super nova Scientist. In a vastable but brief year of 2011 of Anno Domino , Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , parachuted down , with a safe and stressless landing , from the peak of the pinnacle of the periodical table of our distinguished and well known global Scientist , to create and bespoke a novel Spot Forex Trading Computer Programm , as an incomparable opus magnum for future sound and advance trading of Global Spot Forex Trading , in oder to force or enable standard lot size of 1.00 , which is presently tradeable in Spot Forex Trading with 100,000 units of the base currency , to be tradeable with 200 units of the base currency. Since after the creation of this mentioned Computer Programm , in November of 2011 of Anno Domino , Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , has invested some relentless efforts contacting , HSBC , Deutsche Bank , UBS , JP Morgan , Morgan Stanley , Bank of America , Credit Swisse , Barclay Capital , Commerz Bank , Merry Lynch , Citi Bank , Fxspotstream , Saxobank , Oanda Bank etc , as Global spot forex trading banks , which are fatally effected by this novel acidic spot forex trading toxic technical trading fault , to enable them to hire the mentioned novel Computer Programm , created or bespoked by Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , in oder to enable the mentioned acidic spot forex trading technical fault , to become upfrontly circumventable or preventable , but all the efforts invested by Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , to enable these mentioned and unmentioned spot forex banks the purified scope to start using this mentioned novel spot forex trading Computer Programm , was forced to remain abortive , because these mentioned and unmentioned different Global spot forex trading banks , failed to cooperate , an unprofessional corporate act , which ended up to cause a two years daily losses of more than usd1 decilion or usd1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . Relating to this novel development , I have contacted different Media Houses , Televission Houses , Radio Houses like CNN , Financial Times London , Wallstreet Journal , Forex Magnate Magazine etc , but non of them assisted to have the entire public of our dear large world notified about this development , today the world has not come to be aware that we are losing all these much from the spot forex trading of our world. WHAT EDWARD SNODEN AND NWAGBOO ELOCHUKWU ELORD , DO HAVE IN COMMON ARE AS FOLLOWING , (1) They have some unramified and refined civilized package for our dear world , Edward Snoden advocated for a free world and where as Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord advocated for a world that is to be bound and surrounded with vibrant and flourishing economy , through his Magnum Opus , literaryly illustrated as a Computer Programm , which will enable a two years etc losses of more than usd1 decilion or usd1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 accrued in Global spot forex trading , to become recoverable in the future tradings of Global spot forex tradings. (2) Edward Snoden and Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord , did Flashed a relentless beaming touchlight to the dark part of our world , to enable our dear world a sound scope to see into it´s rendered darkness. Reported from Landshut Germany , 19th of November 2013 of Anno Domino , by , Nwagboo Elochukwu Elord.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 09:28:28 +0000

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