EDWARD SNOWDEN, as President, would reduce taxes. Read on! - TopicsExpress


EDWARD SNOWDEN, as President, would reduce taxes. Read on! change.org/petitions/congress-the-president-and-all-state-legislatures-abolish-federal-income-tax-replace-it-with-a-national-mercantile-sales-tax . There is ONE COMMON THREAD running through the Obama Administration: it is a huge tax-collection effort in which the mainspring is the IRS. Thats ALL the Obama Administration IS. . Some people advocate abolishing the IRS. . It is NOT NECESSARY to abolish the IRS in order to achieve tax reform and land reform in America; and it is not necessary to abolish the IRS in order to restore the Constitution. . (See ) . What IS necessary is to scale down the power of the IRS to invade and crush the life of every single person in the United States. That is the most inefficient way possible to collect taxes in a democracy - by turning a republic into a dictatorship. . This petition shows the way to a no income tax America - and it also shows the way back to freedom. . Obama has never said one word about tax reform tax relief, or curtailing the power of tax collection agencies or efforts by Government. We see how Obama has abused the powers of the IRS - and these are powers the agency doesnt properly have in the first place. . All reform efforts must face reality: and the reality of tax reform in the United States is that both Democrats and Republicans are blocking efforts to abolish real estate taxes to support public education, and both Republicans and Democrats are blocking efforts to reform Federal tax collection. Thats because they think in lockstep with the IRS and its democracy-crushing policies. Actually, we can say its REPUBLIC-crushing policies; because after all, the phenomenon of over 50% of the voters voting to tax the minority of voters in order to vote themselves benefits IS a sort of democracy by majority-rule notions which are uncharacteristic of a republic and incompatible with republican form of Government. (I use the words republic and democracy interchangeably, of course, because despite the well-founded objections of people who constantly repeat the United States is a republic, not a democracy, the word democracy as a noun can be used to describe a republic; whereas it cannot properly be used to describe the anarchy and mob rule characteristic of end-game democratic anarchy which degenerates into majority crushing of law-abiding minorities.) . The picture of a baby on this petition symbolizes the fact that every child born in the United States as a US Citizen will start out life $150,000 in debt to the Federal Government by the middle of this year (2014) and thereafter, unless the Obama Administration rapidly shifts gears. . If were looking at issues such as birth certificates, Obamas supposed religious issues, Obamas ethnic background or other similar Obamaphobic issues, were really barking up the wrong tree. Obamas mother was not in Africa at the time he was born. His father may have been. Unless my understanding of human biology is not up with the latest news, Obama could not have been born in Africa. He is legitimately the President of the United States. The court challenge to Obamas birth in Hawaii was resolved in his favor before he was elected in 2008. . HERE are the main issues which can be raised against President Obama: . 1) His Administration has repeatedly violated the Constitution, in acts of omission and in acts that it has committed. Obama has never once stood for the Constitution. He has not taken his Oath of Office seriously. . 2) Obama has become extremely insulated since he became President. He has not broadened his political base, except to hobnob with the military-industrial complex. . 3) Obama has attacked Republicans in a way which is very reminiscent of the way Nixons entire Administration, from his Enemies List to his Dirty Tricks Committee, attacked Democrats. . 4) Obama has not kept his campaign promises, and really hasnt even tried, apparently. . 5) Obama has absolutely no concern for Americans who have been victims of civil rights violations or other types of Constitution-shreddings at the hands of Government at all levels in his Administration. His Administration has the worst record on both human rights and clemency in the history of the United States. That is Obamas own fault. . 6) Under Obamas watch, the reputation of the United States internationally has fallen to a status of being totally discredited. Again, this is entirely Obamas own fault. He has not even taken an honest look at the situation. He has not been honest with the American people or the rest of the world about this. Consequently, Obama MUST resign to restore the international credibility of the USA - and he must not allow the NSA to do the same thing to his successors administration as was done to his own. . 7) Obama should resign BEFORE, not after, the American economy falls apart as a result of the international lack of confidence in Obama bears fruit. That falling apart of the American economy is only a few months away - and it will take place, in a mirroring of Watergate history, by August of this year at the latest unless Obama either reigns in an orderly manner (such as the Round Robin Plan) or is handed his walking papers ( and impeachment is not the only way. Biden can activate the 25th Amendment). . 8) Obama has been criticized - and rightly so - for having the most merciless Presidency in terms of granting pardons and reprieves. The question is WHY? The answer is right here, and it is the only right answer to this very important question: Obamas entire range of tax-collection and budgetary watchdog policies would - in Obamas view and the view of most other people in the US Government - be hopelessly undermined by granting pardons to obvious victims of injustice. This is because Obama and his advisers are convinced that it would cost far too much money to admit that these wrongs have taken place, than to be honest and pay a reasonable proportion of damages. However, there are two flaws with the Administrations thinking here: First, the Administrations own pattern of trying to escape responsibility and its horrible foot-dragging on all issues of restoring justice are about to undermine the Administrations own credibility and economic policies far worse than any reasonable move toward granting clemency ever could - and this will in turn set the Federal budget into an unforseen tailspin. Secondly, for the Administration to actively begin to pay out damages to victims of injustices would be the greatest and most effective economic stimulus the Federal Government has ever invested in. A War On Poverty makes the most sense when the Government is attempting to alleviate the poverty of those individuals who have been impoverished most by wrongful actions of Government itself. In other words, this Administration thinks that it faces a choice between a clemency deficit and a financial deficit, and it has chosen to have a clemency deficit. However it fails to realize that it will ultimately have to incur a financial deficit very soon as a result of running up a clemency deficit over the past five years - because bad justice is simply bad policy across the board. Conversely, if the Administration were to attempt to pay down its clemency deficit now - or even to begin to pay it down in installments - this would create a supply-side effect which would ultimately balance the Federal budget by increasing future revenues. ******************************************************** Nixon was generally presumed by the American public to have had something to do with Watergate - after all, the motive for these crimes was to get Nixon re-elected at all costs. But the American people were willing to forgive Nixon as long as the American economy featured 4% unemployment, a balanced Federal budget, a winding- down of the ground-troop presence of Americans in Vietnam, very little inflation, and a safer urban environment than during the years prior to Nixon becoming President. Nixon SURVIVED Watergate until the OPEC oil shock of October 1973. (Within five days of the start of the OPEC oil embargo, Spiro Agnew resigned as Vice President - and within a few more days, the Saturday Night Massacre happened - which spelled the end of the viability of Nixons Presidency; even though Nixon would remain in office for ten more months.) After October 5, 1973, the American (and world) economy immediately soured as the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world began to take place. Inflation began to take its toll on the American people as gas-line fights became the order of the day. Unemployment began to surge upward from 4% very slowly; and by August 1974 unemployment jumped to 8%, then up toward 9%. Nixon wasnt removed from office due to Watergate. If that had been the case, Nixon would have been gone from power before the election of 1972 (which he won in a thumping landslide). By August 1974, the American economy was falling apart quickly, after ten straight months of OPEC predation. Nixons recorded approval ratings as a result were down to 9% - an all time low until Obama dipped below that this past summer (the syndicated opinion polls did not tell the truth about the actual approval rating slip and slide of Obama during the past year.) This was the same President who was elected by a 60% popular vote and a crushing Electoral College sweep in 1972 - FIVE MONTHS after the Watergate story became known to the American people. . If you know your history, you will know that the OPEC oil boycott of October 5, 1973 was started by none other than Saddam Hussein, who was the leader of Iraq until George Bush, Jr. removed him from power over ten years ago. The removal of Saddam Hussein from power was a process which started when Gerald Ford was President, in Operation Alkali Canyon - a military training exercise in the California desert. . If you LEARN from history, you will realize that even though there was no other choice in 1974 - in that Nixon HAD to be removed from office - it is very important to remember the following: 1) Removing Nixon from office didnt solve everything. In fact, things got worse under Ford, until the very end of Fords time in office, when the economy improved a little bit. Then under Jimmy Carter, the economy began to fall apart again - because the fundamental problem with the American economy from October 1973 until Reagan came into office, was the combination of OPEC bloodletting and the enabling influence of US consumer price controls on gasoline and oil. . 2) If Nixon had remained in office, the world would have lost confidence in the United States completely. Americans would have lost confidence completely in their own Government. The process of inducing that loss of confidence was very quick. The process of re-instilling confidence in Government took 87 months - from the time Nixon resigned until the time Reagan became President. (When Jimmy Carter, during his inauguration, said to President Ford, You ....have healed our Nation, that actually wasnt true. Ford was relatively scandal free, but Ford was also largely a caretaker President. And under Carter, the American economy fell apart even worse than it had under Nixons final year in office. It was Reagan who healed the scars of Watergate.) . 3) The Watergate scandal - or what we refer to as Watergate - was actually a lot more extensive than simply the break-in and bugging of the Watergate Hotel and the cover-up which ensued. Watergate also can be properly described as including the cyberbullying of Edmund Muskie to the point where he was run out of the Presidential race; the shooting of George Wallace; the forcible drugging (and possibly the subsequent cancer) of Martha Mitchell, the whistleblower wife of corrupt US Attorney General John Mitchell; and things which ran way past the clock of the Nixon Administration (including possibly the murder of John Lennon, who was blacklisted by Nixon as an agitator). . 4) Practically every corrupt politician today has learned one thing from Watergate: how not to get caught. . 5) Obama is not the enemy in all this. The American people must be firm with Obama, and insist that he do the following: a) Fire Ron Rodgers and appoint a REAL US Pardon Attorney who is not a military coup apparatchik, but a civil rights pioneer. b) Abolish the NSA. We DONT NEED IT. It has damaged American security more in the past five years than all of Americas enemies have managed to do in the past 200 years. c) Close the prison camp at Guantanamo and end all torture there, according to international law and in the context of international agreements. d) End all US military activity in Afghanistan. (This war will end inconclusively for the USA, at best - especially the way we are fighting it. There is no end-game scenario for victory possible in this context, at all. The only reason why we are still present in Afghanistan is due to self-serving arguments being advanced by military leaders and corporate beneficiaries of this entrapping-ground war - entrapping ground, as defined in Sun Tzus The Art Of War). e) Cut Federal spending in half. f) g) Abolish the Federal income tax - first on the lowest income brackets, and then working upward - and replace the income tax with a mercantile sales tax collected by shopkeepers. . Scott Davis Chairman Committee of 37 Peace Initiative PO Box 877 Edgmont, PA 19028-0877 USA . *The Round Robin plan is this: A) Obama resigns.Biden becomes President now. B) John Kerry, having been appointed Vice President in the wake of Bidens own vacancy of that office, then becomes President within a few months - by the beginning of 2015 at the latest. C) John Kerry resigns, whereupon Jeff Merkley, who has in the interim been appointed Vice President, becomes President himself. . D) Jeff Merkley resigns, and Obama, having been appointed Vice President by Merkley subsequent to his own inauguration as President, then becomes President before the end of 2016 to finish out the unexpired remainder of the term he was elected to in 2012. Obama subseqently appoints Biden to the Vice Presidential vacancy.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 11:21:20 +0000

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