EEN GROTE HELD TEGEN DE HONDENVANGERS IN ZIJN EENTJE ! UPDATE: We ontdekten dat deze jongen Fanel heet en een ware dierenvriend is, vooral honden. De advocaat Cosmina Cerva zal hem vertegenwoordigen en nu is in contact met Fanel. Wij zullen u informeren wanneer we ander nieuws hebben Deze jongeman moet geholpen worden Ik dank u allen! UPDATE: The person assaulted yesterday by the dogcatchers will be represented and assisted by Attorney Ms Cosmina Cerva. S.M.G. aka Fanel (he does not want to be reveal his name yet) will benefit of all the legal support he needs to prove that he is the victim and not the aggressor, as it was intentionally erroneous interpreted by the press subservient to Mayor Oprescu’s financial interests and the companies favoured with contracts with the Authority for the Supervision and Animal Welfare (ASPA). Communication with the dogcatchers victim is only through his lawyer! Soon we will expose the lies of these animal and people abusers. It is not the first time ASPA’s employees commit acts of aggression against members of the civil society: theft of dogs with owners, collisions applied onto animal lovers, often women, insults, threats, accidents etc. The representative of this institution himself, Razvan Bancescu, caused an accident after which three people were transported to the hospital and brutally hit a witness, who went the hospital the same night, in a serious condition. Attorney Ms Cosmina Cerva represented many lovers and animal rights activists, helping them to take legal action against ASPA, which, since the 20th of June 2014, systematically violated the Court of Appeal, capturing dogs illegally.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:24:44 +0000

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