EFF WELCOMES THE WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT JUDGEMENT THAT THE SUSPENSIOM OF EFF MPs WAS ILLEGAL 23 December 2014 The Economic Freedom Fighters welcomes the Western Cape High Court ruling that the sanctions of the Powers and Privileges Committee as approved by parliament be set aside. Parliament had suspended the EFF MPs who took a stand during the question session of the president and demanded that he answers the question as to when will he be paying back the money unduly spent in the upgrade of his private home in Nkandla. The judgment, as handed down by Judge Denis Davis signifies that Members of Parliament are not employees, but above all that the ANC must not abuse its majority by using parliament to settle political scores. This judgment is a vindication of the EFF and demonstrates that the EFF possesses a superior understanding of the constitution and its practice. The ANC sought to abuse its majority in parliament by intimidating the EFF into submission on the question of #PayBackTheMoney thus protecting the corrupt president Jacob Zuma. The EFF will never back down and shall continue to pursue this important question until Jacob Zuma provides an adequate answer to it. The court ruling is furthermore a victory for the opposition and multiparty democracy, it must also give confidence that ANC is no alpha and omega and it can indeed be put into its place. The EFF further commits that come the State of pathetic Nation Address, we shall again raise the question to Zuma and we shall do so fiercely within the rules. No amount of intimidation and threats, even of our lives, shall deter us. There is therefore no better Christmas gift than the defense of robust executive accountability; South Africans of conscience, and all who believe in democratic accountability will receive this judgment as truly worthy of closing the eventful 2014 in peace, knowing our democracy is safe with the EFF in parliament. ISSUED BY THE ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS MBUYISENI QUINTIN NDLOZI (National Spokesperson) Cell Number: +27 73 133 3012 | +27 (61) 482 6589 Website: effighters.org.za/ Email: [email protected] Facebook: Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi || Twitter: @EconFreedomZA and @MbuyiseniNdlozi
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:53:16 +0000

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