EFFORT TO ESTABLISH DEPARTMENTS OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE AT THE UNIVERSITIES OF LIBERIA UNDERWAY Comrades, we bring you greetings from the African University of Science and Technology, where Africans young professionals have being trained in bridging the technical gabs between Africa and the Developed World. In the midst of ebola crisis, the good God of our Great-Grand-Fathers is still answering our prayers; our prayers of having opportunities to acquiring quality educations; our prayers of having access to many field of studies; so that a young Liberian will have many options in selecting a career of his or her choice. Four (4) years after independence, the UL was authorized by the National Government of Liberia in 1851 and was officially opened as Liberia College in 1853. It became University in 1951, ninety-eight (98) years after it was officially opened. The university is the oldest degree-granting school in West Africa with six colleges, three professional schools (including a law school and medical school). The T. J. R. Faulkner College of Science and Technology being one of the six colleges, consists of Engineering Division that includes Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mining Engineering & Geology Departments. The College also has a Natural Science Division that houses Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Since the end of the civil wars in Liberia, students across the country have being eagerly wishing to enroll at this great university despite of the fewer options of field of studies. The Engineering Division in recent time has being over crowded by young graduates from secondary schools across the country due to the restoration of the mining industry in Liberia. Moreover, with recent oil finds in Ghana and Sierra Leone, interest in Liberia’s oil and gas sector is increasing and students are eagerly waiting to have opportunities of studies in exploring this emerging sector in Liberia. The question is, do we have to travel to another country before we serve in the oil and gas industry? Do we have to travel before we dream about establishing manufacturing companies of our own? No folks!! something has to be done. Do you know that Liberia current Petroleum Fiscal System (PFS) is uniquely designed in the favor of its citizens? There are two broad Petroleum Systems: Concessionary System and Contractual System. Concessionary systems allow private ownership of petroleum resources through transfer of rights and payments of bonuses, royalty and taxes to the Host-Government; while Contractual Systems allow the Host-Government retains ownership of petroleum resources. Contractual arrangement is divided into two broad categories; Service Contract (Pure or Risk) and Production Sharing Contract (PSC). There are so many advantages and disadvantages associated with the two major Petroleum Fiscal System which of course I will discuss in future post. The Liberian Petroleum Fiscal System is the combination of both Contractual and Concessionary Systems. One of its main objectives is Man Power Developments and Training of Nationals in order to meet those clauses of the agreement between Host-Government and the International Companies that talked about government participation. NOCAL is doing her best in sending students out on studies to fulfill her obligations in contributing to the work force as enshrined in her agreements with International Companies (IOCs). The question is, how many students are benefiting from the program??? In view of the above, I had like to use this medium to inform our young potential scientists and engineers of Liberia, that there is a hope of adding two engineering departments to the current ones we have. Comrades, after a long period of negotiation initiated by a young Liberian visionary, Emmanuel Gbarnjah in collaboration with his colleagues Aloysius K Kotee, Bill L Gontor, Charles N Kellen, Danlette Y Suah, Edwin G Barquoi II, Franklin Bundoo, Joseph Barbu and Moses K Flomo of Liberia who are currently studying at the African University of Science and Tecnology; were able to reach an agreement that will allows the African University of Science and Technology to establish Petroleum Engineering and Material Science departments at the University of Liberia and Cuttington. They have agreed to send few PhDs and MScs to establish said departments at the above mentioned schools. The program is expected to be sponsored by the Directorate of Technical Commission in Africa (DTCA) and the African Material Research Society (AMRS).
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:34:12 +0000

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