EID MILAAD UNNABIWI1. Eid Milad is not in IslamicShariah,it was - TopicsExpress


EID MILAAD UNNABIWI1. Eid Milad is not in IslamicShariah,it was later introduced byShia Fatimid in Egypt.2. Historians differed about thedate of birth of Prophet SAW.Somesaid its in Ramadan, some inShabaan and Some said its in Rabiul awal.3. How can a Muslim rejoice andhave party when on 12th Rabi alAwal our prophet died?4. Birthday celebration havepaganroots.Celebrating birthdays is notall0wed at all.5. This celebration is neither fromSunnah nor Quran. Anything thatis not part of these two can notbepart of Islam.6. Prophet SAW said, Stick to mysunnah and the sunnah of myrightly guided Caliphs, beware ofNewly invented matters, for everynew matteris Bidah and everyBidah is misleading. (Tirmizi2676)7. Allah says in Surah al Maidah,Ayah3.This day I have perfected yourreligion for you.When Islam is perfect andcompletethenwho gave the authority tothese people to introduce newthings in Islam?8. Celebrating milaad is imitationofChristians and Jews. Jewscelebratebirthday of Uzair,Christianscelebrate birthday of Esa AS.9. Prophet Saw said, Whoeverimitates a people becomes one ofthem. (Abu Dawood)10. Prophet SAW said, Bedifferentfrom Mushrikeen. (Sahih Muslim)11. Prophet SAW said Do notexaggerate in praising me.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 08:19:42 +0000

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