EIGHT-EIGHT-EIGHT Meet 8 Year Old Who Speaks 8 Languages and - TopicsExpress


EIGHT-EIGHT-EIGHT Meet 8 Year Old Who Speaks 8 Languages and Plays 8 Instruments September 4, 2014 If being adorable were a crime, then 8-year-old Mabou Loiseau would be an outlaw. But being a cute and sweet child hasnt stopped her from being one of the most extraordinary and capable minds on the entire planet. Mabou, a product of great genes and excellent parenting, now speaks eight languages: French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, and Creole. She also knows sign language to top it off. She recently hit the national spotlight after being featured on the Katie Couric show, looking as beautiful as ever. When Katie asked her where she got her talent from, Mabou said, “I was born smart, duh!” Esther, Mabou’s mother, says that when the child was just one year old, she was able to say words in French that she’d never been taught by her mom. This was the first indicator that the child was something special. She says that she even knew the definition of the words, which her mother found to be amazing. The child isn’t done learning languages and wants to now learn Japanese. “It’s not that tough because I have Mandarin,” she says. Mabou is taking Algebra at the college level. She plays eight instruments in addition to her extensive portfolio of languages: The piano, the flute, the violin, the clarinet, the drums, the harp, the guitar and the congas. “Many people make that mistake, thinking I am pushing her. She is pushing me. Believe me,” her mother says. Finance professor Dr. Boyce Watkins says that children like Mabou may come off as extreme oddities, but there are tens of thousands of black youth who possess similar capability. “What’s special about this child is not just that she is brilliant, but the fact that the energy behind her brilliance has been channeled in such a positive way,” says Dr. Watkins, author of the book, “Occupy Your Children: The Parents’ Guide to Greatness.” “Every time you see a child memorizing songs from the radio, learning the latest dances by the age of 3, or picking up slang before kindergarten, that is typically a sign of unfocused brilliance. Instead, children like this should be pushed to reach their educational potential very early, which will set the trend for the rest of their lives.” The child, at this stage, says that she wants to be a brain surgeon, singer and lawyer when she grows up. “I defend myself pretty well, so many I can defend other people. I want to understand the brain. It’s very fascinating. I want to be a singer because when I’m singing….” This young superstar seems to be on her way to the top. Notice that this all comes from good parenting, which is the key to greatness. Make sure you nurture your children to be extraordinary.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:12:46 +0000

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