EIGHT VITAL ATTRIBUTES OF A SCCESSFUL COMPANY - 1. BIAS FOR ACTION- Many successful companies analyse their market and when they discover an opprtunity, they do not delay in taking action that will deliver results. 2. STAY CLOSE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS - Companies that stay on top are obsessed with their customers and ensure that they deliver world class services despite their size. They do not treat customers like statistics but they empathize and understand the needs of your customers. 3. AUTONOMY AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP - Innovation is indispensible to successfulcompanies. Successful companies make an effort to reduce costs and they have the best leaders with enterpreneurship skills to lead them. 4. PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH PEOPLE - Working with people that add valueto the business, espercially front office staff because they give a lasting impression to customers. Invest in smart people and not people you know to drive your business. 5. BE VALUE DRIVEN - Have and set values that drive your business no matter its size, dont operate in a harpharzard manner but set a value chained foundation 6. STICK TO THE KNITTING - Do not diversify to another kind of business before you succeed in atleast two or three products or service de;ivery, ths may prevent your ability to succeeed as a business 7. SIMPLE AND LEAN STAFF IN MANAGEMENT - put in place systems that are smart and will be use by few personnel to help in managing your business, not accessible to the world 8. FLEXIBILITY- Quick reponse in delivery and response to customer querries and needs...be humble and not quick to anger when handling your customers, as they are always right...lol
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 08:00:39 +0000

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