EIGHTEEN (18) QUESTIONS FOR GOVERNOR LIYEL IMOKE BY OBONO-OBLA Returning to Calabar after a week of staying in Abuja to sort out the intractable crisis in the Cross River State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party; Governor Liyel Imoke spoke to news men at Margaret Ekpo International Airport, Calabar upon his arrival from Abuja last weekend thus: “There is nothing conceivable that will make me quit the PDP, a party that I am not only a founding member, but also brought the flag to the state. I will rather leave politics than quit the PDP,” he stressed. He said since he was not seeking any elective office, his preoccupation now was to play his part and ensure that the president is re-elected in 2015. Cross River State, he said, would continue to give support to the president even beyond the 2015 presidential election because the people believe in the transformation agenda of the president”. Curiously and surprisingly, Governor Imoke rather than telling us what President Jonathan has done for the people of Cross River State to warrant their voting for him in the 2015 election was pontificating vacuously on the transformation agenda of the President. The pertinent question is: How has the transformation agenda of President Jonathan impacted on the people of Cross River State? I, challenge Governor Liyel Imoke to answer the following questions: 1. How many Young People from Cross River State have gotten scholarship of the Federal Government of Nigeria under the transformation agenda of President Jonathan? 2. How many Young People from Cross River State have been employed by the Federal Government of Nigeria under the transformation agenda of President Jonathan? 3. Why has the Federal Government of Nigeria failed to construct roads in Cross River State? 4. Why is the Calabar –Ikom-Ugep Federal Highway in such a terrible state? 5. Why is the Calabar –Itu-Ikot Ekpene-Aba Federal Highway in such a deplorable state? 6. Why is the Calabar–Atimbo-Oban Federal Highway in such a terrible state? 7. Why has the Federal Government of Nigeria under President Jonathan failed to fix the Ikom-Obudu Federal Highway since 1999? 8. Why is the Ikom-Ogoja-Katsina-Ala Federal Highway in such a derelict state? 9. Why is the Ugep-Itigidi-Ebonyi Federal Highway not completed since 2005? 10. Why did the Federal Government of Nigeria under President Jonathan sided with reactionary forces to hand over oil wells belonging to Cross River State to Akwa Ibom under the guise that Cross River is not longer a littoral State? 11. What made President Jonathan to change from his previous support for Cross River State over the oil well dispute with Akwa Ibom State (when as Vice President Jonathan he was Chairman of a Committee set up by the late President Yaradua to resolve the oil wells dispute between Cross River and Akwa Ibom State he had thrown his support for Cross River State)? 12. Is it true that President Jonathan was indifferent to the issue of Bakassi because at that time (October 2012) you did not enjoy a good relationship with him on political grounds? 13. Is it true that President Jonathan supported Akwa Ibom State over Cross River State on the oil wells dispute because at that time he thought you were not supporting his 2015 presidential ambition? 14. Why did the Federal Government of Nigeria under President Jonathan fail to appeal against the Judgment of the International Court of Justice over the sovereignty of the Bakassi peninsula? 15. Why is President Jonathan indifferent to attempt by the Republic of Cameroon to take over part of Boki; Obudu, Obanliku Local Government Areas of Cross River State? 16. How many Farmers from Cross River State have enjoyed incentives of the Federal Government of Nigeria in the Agricultural sector under President Jonathan transformation agenda? 17. Why has President Jonathan failed to address the issue of poor electricity supply to most communities in Cross River State? 18. How many people from Cross River State were given political appointment by President Jonathan since 2010 when he became President? 19. How many projects have the people of Cross River State enjoyed since President Jonathan became President in 2010? I, respectfully invite Governor Liyel Imoke to answer these questions factually, frontally, positively and truthfully without any equivocation. Yes, Governor Imoke boasted that he is a founding member of the PDP and indeed brought the PDP flag to Cross River State! Great! Governor Imoke should then tell us what the PDP has done for the people of Cross River State for the past 15 Years. I am waiting
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 13:13:18 +0000

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