EISENHOWER’S 1954 MEETING AND TREATY WITH GREY ALIENS AT EDWARDS AIR FORCE: PART V and final What Do We Know of the Grey Extraterrestrials that signed the Treaty? According to Cooper, the Grey extraterrestrials signing the treaty were not trustworthy: By 1955 it became obvious that the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty…. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to the Majesty Twelve and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. Similarly, Lear argued that the Grey extraterrestrials quickly broke the treaty and could not be trusted: … a deal was struck that in exchange for advanced technology from the aliens we would allow them to abduct a very small number of persons and we would periodically be given a list of those persons abducted. We got something less than the technology we bargained for and found the abductions exceeded by a million fold than what we had naively agreed to. Other whistleblowers also suggested that the extraterrestrials who signed the Treaty with Eisenhower couldn’t be trusted. Schneider claimed that despite the treaty’s provisions on the number of humans who would be ‘abducted’ for experiments, “the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they wouldnt abide by it at all.” As mentioned earlier, Col Phillip Corso similarly believed that the extraterrestrials that the Eisenhower administration entered into agreements with couldn’t be trusted. Corso believed these forced a ‘negotiated surrender’ suggesting an extraterrestrial agenda that was suspect. While General Douglas MacArthur didn’t directly mention any government treaty with extraterrestrials, he gave a famous warning in October 1955 suggesting that some extraterrestrial presence existed that threatened human sovereignty: You now face a new world, a world of change. We speak in strange terms, of harnessing the cosmic energy, of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy. The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets. MacArthur may well have been alluding to the same extraterrestrials that Corso, Cooper and Lear believed had entered into an agreement with the Eisenhower administration. Significantly, reports of contacts with extraterrestrials began to change once the alleged treaty began to be implemented. The friendly ‘space brothers’ reports involving contactees of the 1950s changed as reports of abductions began to emerge after the first recorded case in 1961 involving Barney and Betty Hill: Another apparent pattern that has occurred in Ufology is the dominance of the space brothers in the 1950s who were kind, interacted with people who became known as contactees, and took people for rides in their space crafts. This pattern changed dramatically with the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in the early 1960s. The space brother human types of the 1950s seemed to fade away, and they were replaced in the UFO literature with another type of alien. In the early sixties the first abduction of the Hills began a new pattern where the aliens were grey evil aliens who would abduct people against their will, and perform medical procedures on them. There were, as far as this author is aware no confirmed cases of classic abductions in the 1950s. Unlike the good space brothers of the 1950s these grey aliens were described by all, who were unfortunate enough to have met with them, as being distant and without emotions. According to Wolf, the extraterrestrials were Greys from the fourth planet of the star system Zeta Reticulum, while Cooper claims they were tall Greys from Betelgeuse, Orion. Wolf’s and Cooper’s differing versions likely reflect a close relationship between Greys from Rigel and Betelguese, and that more than one species of extraterrestrials may have been covered in the treaty. Wolf has described the Greys as having positive motivations in regard to their presence on Earth, but have been inhibited and targeted by rogue elements in the US military. Similarly, Robert Dean believes that the extraterrestrials visiting Earth are friendly. This contrasts with the testimonies of Cooper, Lear, Schneider, Corso and arguably even MacArthur over the true motivations of the Greys. It is worth repeating Gerald Light’s claim of a “terrific conflict between the various authorities” on whether to inform the general public or not. It is likely that these differing perspectives on the motivations of the Greys reflected an uncertainty that has continued to intensely divide policy makers up to the present on how to best respond to the extraterrestrial presence and what to tell the general public. End of messages, parts 1-5.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 04:36:41 +0000

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