EKSU 100 AND 200 LEVEL GO AND DIE EXAMINATION TIMETABLE...MY OPEN LETTER TO SUGARITOS LED ADMINISTRATION. Dear President, It Is Pertinent To As A Matter Of Concern And Urgency To Write This Letter To You At This Time. I Would Have Loved To Share This With You One-On-One And Heart-To-Heart, But I Know That Occasion May Not Permit Us, Therefore Hope You Dont Mind Me Sending This To You Through A Students Public Medium. Before I Go Into The Essence Of This Open Letter, Ill Love To Appreciate Your Leadership For The Seeing And The Un seeing Achievements And The Failures. Words On Paper Or Online Cannot Adequately Convey The Sense Of Appreciation Which I Would Love To Send Out To Your led Administration For Taking It Upon Yourself To start A Good Union After A Lot Of Crisis. Success Stories Had Been Recorded For Your Limited Time Administration And I Believe That Your Name Had been Recorded In The Heart Of Eksuites For A Reason And History Will Speak Of You Someday. But Nevertheless,I Wont Mind Us Addressing Some Cogent Issues. When You Take Office,We Expect The Following Of Your Administration, Accessibility,Transparency,Accountability And Action. You Exist To Represent Ekiti State University Students In The University Decision-Making,To Act As The Voice For The Students In The Managements Policy Making. Dear President, A Well Guided Union Should Aggregate The Positions And Opinions Of Its Members,Protect And Defend The Interest Of Its Members With Clarity. But It Is So Sad That While You Are Projecting A Silent Approach,Decision Making Which Is For Our Students In Ekiti State University Has Been Opaque And Remain Behind Closed Doors. Judging From Comments,Reactions,Discussions,Opinions And Proves,It Is Obvious That Almost All Our Students In 100 And 200level Are Having A Big Problem With Their Examination Schedules. Even Though It Is So Glaring That The Management Is Trying To Beat A Looming Strike, But NeverTheless, We Expect A Union Leader That Can Provide Solutions Rather Than Providing Excuses. We Refuse To Believe That The Best Way Our Innocent Students Can Write And Finish Their Exams In A Week Is To Write It 4-4-0-0-2. If Our Students Must Finish Their Exams In A Week,Then It Mustnt Be With A Time-Table That Can Trigger Psychosis. I Was Wandering If The Time Table Is As A Result Of The Just Five(5) Days In A Week Schedule For The Exams, Then...I Remember 2011/2012 When Students Wrote Exams On Saturday And Sundays...Only To Avoid This Kind Of Occurrence. If It As A Result Of Limited Halls, Then Its Not An Excuse,Its Still Fresh In My Memory When We Wrote Exams Inside A Laboratory, Some Even Did Theirs Inside The School Library...It Doesnt Cost A Thing. Someone Said It May Be As A Result Of Limited Supervisors, We Need You To Tell Management That There Is No Need Of Appointing Eight(8) lecturers To Supervise A Population Of 50 Students Inside A Lecture Theatre..Just 2 lecturers Will Do. Dear President, I Put It On You To Act And Make The Management See Reasons They Have To Amend The Exam Time-Table. Please Take A Bold Step To Confront The Management And Save Your Students. Since This Breath taken Time Table Has Been Pasted, We Expect You To Have A Plan Of Action To Address These Problems. We Do Not Expect You To Understand The Complexity Of Your Students Lived Experiences,But We Expect You To Understand Our Struggles And Understand Their Root Causes. Maybe I Should Put It Straight To You That My Open Letter Is Not Crying Of You To Go Out And Lead A Protest Because Ekiti State University Students Will Not Thank You If They Do Not Write The Exams Which They Have Been Preparing For Even When There Is No More Malachi And Stuffs In Their Hostels But Neither Will They Thank You If They Are Writing Four(4) Papers In A Single Day. I Write This Open Letter To You With A Special Sympathy For The Average Students In Faculty Of Sciences And Many Other Faculties. Dear President, Even Though The Examination Is Meant To Commence Tomorrow, I Have Every Assurance That This Ugly Exam Time- Table Can Still Be Amended With Mercy And Some Of These Courses Can Be Reschedule For The Free Days Only If You Can Lead Your Agile Executives To Rise Up And Intellectually Agi tate For Them. Be Assured Of Our Highest Esteem If This Time Table That Can Trigger Psychosis Can Be Amended. Yours Faithfully, Temitope Awelewa. Associate Editor EKSUSU PRESS.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:51:53 +0000

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