EL Morya Taken from the book The Seven Rays - TopicsExpress


EL Morya Taken from the book The Seven Rays Master El Morya is the most powerful SER Blue Ray mercurial origin, disciple of Elohim Hercules. He made his ascent in 1888 but was already prepared for this for years. Currently he is the supreme director of all governments in the world , activity which directs do the Temple of Gods Will and the International Unit is located in the etheric planes Darjeeling region in Northern India at the foot of the Himalayas, the Roof of the World . Is known of their physical house near Lhasa , capital of Tibet , in a region called Shigatse , against the Lord Koot Hoomi . There was a famous piano rosewood fact seems to be still preserved and which performed concerts with organ masterfully played Lord Koot Hoomi from home. Both deployments formed a musical force field blessed mankind with the radiation of the Divine Will and Wisdom. The Master Morya is known as a strict disciplinarian who expects a prompt and vigorous their chelas action has martial air and speaks in short , concise sentences , as if used to being instantly obeyed indeed Spiritual creed of his the Brotherhood in Darjeeling is I do! The presence of the Master El Morya gives the impression of strength and dignity imperious overwhelming power that moves deep reverence . His body is of royal blood Rajput and measures 1.98 m, is a few millimeters shorter than the Manu Vaivaswatta , . Has piercing eyes and brown escudriñante powerful look , that uses forked beard , almost black on the shoulders and falls the hair. Master EL Morya incarnated during the Dispensation known as the Wise Man Melchior, one of the Three Kings from Persia following the Star of Bethlehem with Djwhal Khul and Hoomi Koot . Lord Morya was also in a past life King Arthur . He became King for having dislocated a sword from a stone which was placed under the dome of the present Cathedral Saint Paul London. The power that still retains this cathedral is so great that during the Second World War , though it was bombed London, the site of the Cathedral was not touched by any pump. There are pictures where in the middle of the bombing only the dome of the Cathedral of London can be smoke. King Arthur was the first King of England and was attended by a large Ascended Master who appeared to him in the name of Merlin, who was Saint Germain . He was crowned at age fifteen . He founded the Order of the Knights of the Round Table , Order of esoteric related Cosmic highest teachings and the Holy Grail or Holy Cup which Jesus drank at the Last Supper . The Cup is the electronic pattern of the Master El Morya . It was also said that Patrick Constantino , ie St. Patrick in Ireland. Master El Morya was the famous emperor Akbar of India, the Mongol Tamerlane house , and reorganized the empire with the help of his prime minister Abul Fazl . With its advent in 1556 began the Great Eastern was or was Akbar. As such professed the Islamic religion and protected the Sikh religion, Amritsar giving him grounds , lakes where the Golden Temple , the greatest exponent of that religion. He also made decrees protecting the Jains. With these acts , El Morya excelled in forging the New Universal Religion , in which all faiths come together without absurd fanaticism . A curious detail is that Akbar had his stronghold a few kilometers from the Taj Mahal, built by Shah work Jahan , an incarnation of Lord Hoomi Koot . As well as its Internal Withdrawals were near each other , so were their strengths. Shah Jahan was the grandson of Akbar. Master El Morya was in other lives Thomas Moore , born in London in 1478 and executed in 1535 by Henry VIII , not to pass the link of the King with Anne Boleyn. He was one of the great English teachers. His thought can be known through his magnum opus called Utopia, which exist in the Spanish language version . The Catholic Church canonized him as Saint Thomas More , and in 2001 , when the Master El Morya was bound spirit , Pope John Paul II named St. Thomas More patron saint of politicians and rulers. Lord Morya and Koot Hoomi Lord in 1875 inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society, fait accompli on the physical plane by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott . This organization had the scoop to be the bearer of the knowledge of the Ascended Masters and their teachings to the West. Lord Morya was also one of the founders of the greatest work of esotericism called The Secret Doctrine written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. From the time of the founding of the Theosophical Society are preserved letters written by Lord Morya and precipitated to some English disciples. Currently , with special permission , these letters can be found in the Library of the British Museum in London. Under the inspiration of Lord Morya, Madame Helena Roerich wrote a series of books in Castilian , appear as an anonymous author . They are backed by an organization also inspired by Lord Morya called Agni Yoga Society, or what is the same, Yoga Fire or Lightning . We highly recommend these books, contentivos the teachings of Lord Morya for humanity today . Some titles are : Nest , Heart , Burning World, The Signs of Agni Yoga , Leaves of Morya s Garden . In 1952 , in Havana ( Cuba ), Lord Morya, through its Spiritual supplement that was incarnated on Earth with the name Geraldine Innocente (and whose spiritual name is Lady Miriam ) , founded The Bridge to freedom , to be the organization responsible for publishing the teachings of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the New Age . In the early 60s , called Lord Morya beside her beloved Complement and , by order of the same Master , the organization was in charge of Lucy W. Littlejohn . La Llave Tonal El Morya is in the play Pomp and Circumstance by Sir Edward Elgar, one of the best English composers in his time. Elgar was born in Broadheath disembodied in 1857 and in 1934. Pomp and Circumstance is almost the second anthem of England and it is not surprising that it is the Lord Morya Tonal key , since England is a country of Blue Ray and immensely loved by El Morya. Pomp and Circumstance was originally made for orchestra, but then the author was adapted to the cantabile of the March, a letter from AC Benson called Land of Hope and Glory , making it a work for chorus and orchestra. This letter (analyzed esoterically ) is an evocation of the Monadic Plane , Plane Light of our Presence I AM , where the Will of God is fully manifested . NOTE : Reading of Sapphires of Morya , The First Ray and Gods Will is recommended.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:03:51 +0000

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