EL QUTB The Pilgrim ( Salik ) on the path of the - TopicsExpress


EL QUTB The Pilgrim ( Salik ) on the path of the Sufis ( Tariq ) is a person undergoing a transformation that improving as a human being enlarge your spirit , scope and universalized it reveals what really essential at all in a long process marked by a large number of stages . As an interior stripping progresses purifies argued that the existence is shown in its original transparency , in close correlation with their own increasing lucidity, until Allah- Truth - is shown to prevail over all things . That moment when the universe is reunified and consumed in Truth , is to be the integration of Pilgrim in the flow of creation and consciousness is enlarged in the contemplation of the immensity . However, because the rule is Unity and Reunification ( Tawhîd ) , reducing its essence all things - overcoming the circumstances of man , ie , destroying in its radicalism time , space and the multiplicity - the pilgrim is thrust into something indescribable that is beyond measure, and understand that in his time , although at the time he took the decision to undertake the road, but made great efforts to achieve the goal , all was consummated within a decision was not hers . Each of his steps had been made in the Truth that exists governing the care of Destiny Essential in that immensity that transcends every contingency . Even his past is reduced to the rule of Unity and Reunification , and passes known center of the Mystery of Existence, penetrated by the immensity, singular and unique image of Truth. What is that person who relishes such experience ? What is your rank in the middle of being? It is infinitely beyond the common man , no idols , no hope based on evanescent world that exists only in the blindness of those who do not see beyond their own expectations , not fears are of ghosts and imagined chimeras , unrestrained nothing and overcome, ... on the contrary, experience has put him on the axis of the universe at all times see the realization of the eternal, and each of their movements coincide with the Creators Will Power. Is Qutb, the Pole of Being, for which there is no clear definition . Qutb In the fruits of his own efforts and strength of Fate guided him to make him a caliph in the midst of creation together . Its range is the real human being . It is the quintessential man , the King of Existence. The Prophet (pbuh ) said: Allah has created Man in His Image . And this hadith is paramount . Indeed, Qutb has extraordinary features and , to avoid confusion from the outset it must be stated that it is still a creature, a human among humans, but it is truly the caliph , the human being par excellence. Therefore, it is identified with an incarnate deity , their qualities are not those of Allah, but it is the fulfillment of what is possible for the human being, the embodiment of all that is in it in power . It is man who discovers his own secret, the greatness of his very reason for being , in line with the teaching of the Koran. When Allah created man said to the angels: I put the caliph on earth . Man is Caliph : a sovereign , singular and unique in each of its individuals creature, Image and Sovereignty Singularity One- One. But only truly caliph which removes the veils that conceal and disguise this condition , and is called Arif , who knows , who elevates your consciousness your own reality, and Qutb , Polo Being, who exercises this function. Returning to the beginning , anyone who has followed to completion the process that teachers teach , accompanied by rigor and sincerity, operated sees themselves making changes that are immense. To understand this, it is essential to remember the story of Adam . The story of Adam Allah created all existence and decided to crown her with a being that summarize and in which the entire universe was recognized himself in consciousness. That creature , made from dust from all parts of the earth, mixed with water, forged in fire and blew that Allah was Adam, the Father of Men, the synthesis of the elements, and the title Allah gave him was the caliph ( Khalifa ) . Adam lived in the perfection of his being in a garden of delights, but his mission was to uplift the discovery of his own to know the secret of your condition, and Allah made him find himself lowering it to the ground to undertake a Return path correctly , that the effort itself that awakened consciousness that is definitely resemble the truth of which was image , and their struggle to make him worthy of the range. He put an enemy - Shaytan , Iblis and put difficulties in the way - and the world - Nafs . And Adam rose above it all and regained his garden , and it is King . Adam is our father. It is the common father of all men, and is , therefore, Imam and Model . He was carrying an advertisement, the first prophet ( nabi ) . Never accept Muslims call Allah father . That is, our essence is the human being , and not about aspiring to transcend the divinity , but rather to unravel the mystery and carry out its truth, a strict adherence to the Creator. the Qutb The qutbía (or qutbânía , the rank of Qutb ) is the crown of the proximity and the sign of the arrival of Allah , that is the goal of the singular and sincere after being simplified to its Owner ... No abound in Sufi literature monographs this degree , says Imam al- Jilani : How could anyone describe the Qutb ? . Therefore, we must resort to scattered passages referring often enigmatically , this major figure in Sufi purification processes . The first thing you can say , trying to bring order to these complex texts , is that Qutb is above the rest of the initiates (which are llamadoscaminantes to Allah, the Sairin , or pilgrims, sâlikîn , or aspiring, muridin or beggars of Allah , fuqara ) . The Qutb is the one under his charge all the dwellings of proximity and arrival, and each season has stopped and has its own residence , having reached the maximum in every virtue and merit, settling his feet ( Qadam ) at each milestone Camino . The notion of standing is important : it means that the foot Qutb ve done everything that is required , and is a teacher in each of the moments to be followed by applicants who want to learn from him. Al- Jilani said : It is the standard bearer of self-love , which has gone through the roof of the branch, the governor seated in the place of honor in his time, which has been taken over appoint and dismiss those who come after him ... . Secondly, the Qutb has settled firmly on the basis of the revealed law . He is the guarantor . With this becomes heir ( wâriz ) of Muhammad (pbuh ) . This function is the key to its mystery. The Qutb is the epitome in every moment of the centrality of the Prophet in the existence and renews his message and his Way. There is an expression that is intended to define the Qutb . He is said to be Kain Bain, a distinct creature. It means that a man like everyone else and yet is distinguished from them by its depth . When he was asked by him to ar -Razi once said : It is a man among men , different from them , and on another occasion he said: It was born as a man, but has differentiated . It has also been said that his body is mortal , but everlasting in their actions, in their essence and in their inner world. Little more can be said of Qutb without entering a slippery slope . The true figure of mystery is kept as a treasure for teachers , for language is insufficient to express it without misleading. Moreover, in this the example of the Prophet ( sas ) , which was limited to what you can understand the common people , without giving words to what has not followed. Therefore concealment ( katm ), which is not to prevent pre- knowledge but to its convenient location , being in this case the privacy where otherwise essential truths , spirit to spirit prevails transmitted . Said Sidi Shaykh Ahmad al- Alawi : Booking secrets, secure moorings, good behavior ... in our presence. Finally , we must talk , even in passing, the powerful I ( ana ) of Qutb . The Sufi Path is a brave struggle against Nafs (ego ) to its dissipation. That death of the individual separated from his Lord does not mean his death in a not ethereal , on the contrary, rises from the ashes with a strong sense of self. But his self is , thereafter , the truth (and not the chimera of ego). Therefore, the self proclaimed Qutb has a tremendously resounding character. It is not lawful to confuse the arrogant assertion of ego. Instead, his way is what is done by Allah and so al- Jilani could say, I m the number of men with those who are not afraid of the calamities of the time and looks at his side anything that distresses the heart. These are people who in all the glory have a high rank, and they are subordinate hosts the world. Despite all this greatness of Aqtab ( plural of Qutb ) , above them have an even higher range. The Qutb al- Aqtab This is the Pole of Poles. There may be several or many Aqtab , but there is one , and only one, who is above all . This is the Qutb al- Aqtab , also called Gawz , and more technically , al- Insan al- Kamil , the Perfect Man . Imam al- Jilani , for example, was described himself as one of the Aqtab , but there came a time when he was in complete solitude, and then realized that his rank stood on that condition, and in itself a summit , progression in Allah never stops if the applicant continues its path . At the absolute excess , al- Jilani said of himself : I am the one, the singular , large itself. I am that describe me , I am the Way Science . Possess the land of Allah, and its mine in East and West. If I wanted to annihilate the creatures with a single glance . Ive been told : Youre the Polo . And I said : I watch and read the Book of Allah at all times . The Pole of Poles misses in existence to another similar to it , and therefore it falls short to the name of Qutb . This intuition, al- Jilani said of himself: The awliyâ , all firmly ve been told : You were among the creatures Polo . And I answered them :Enough! Listen to the text of my inauguration . The Qutb is my server and my slave. He also said : I am the Pole of the Poles of existence entirely . Im his hawk, and all call my slaves. The Perfect Man The term al- Insan al- Kamil can be translated as Perfect Man or Man Full , Full . Normally, it identifies the Qutb al- Aqtab ( the Gawz ) in al- Insan al- Kamil , although it can be considered that the latter is a more abstract idea . This is the essence of the Poles Pole , where the unit of men reside. Ibn Arabi , Ibn al- Sabin and Yili, and other great masters wrote profusely about this enigmatic notion A) The existential reality (al- al- wuyûdía haqîqa ) Perfect Man . The al- Insan al- Kamil is how the Power of Allah ( Mazhar al- Qudra ) manifests . In essence , the Perfect Man , is power , as the motive and the summit of creation. We must understand this in all its implications : in the deepest secrecy, the human being is the right of every being , every creature, so their effectiveness is absolute. And rises to the highest rank you discover this mystery of its essence , as al- Jilani said : My secret Secret flows with Allah in His creation. Stand by me if you want me to love you. My existence traveling at night by the secret of the secret of reality. My degree is raised above all ranks . In al- Jilani , like all Poles Poles , not about spiritual anthropology, but experience itself. He held a theory about man, as this is useless . Neither was identified with an idea about the man, who would then be an absurd claim . His teaching is based on his sincerity. Nobody is allowed to call himself Perfect Man. On the contrary, all humans are imperfect , and that is the conviction from which the road is undertaken. Only that gets rid of his ego in the immensity of his death returns Having tested and tasted its mystery, and this is the only thing that supports . Sufi teachings on the Perfect Man is not a doctrine for Muslims, is not geared to their acceptance , it is the design of a goal to aspire to. And this is extremely important , and the difference between those who follow the Way with rigor and severity, and replacing him with a sickly reaffirmation of his own ego. Back then, the identification of the wali - Arif - qutb with the human condition of Mazhar al- Qudra , Demonstration of Power introduces the creative action of Allah, and become involved and participate ( Tasarruf ) on it. The Tasarruf of Qutb, their involvement and participation in the creative action , surrounding the history of spirituality of Islam in a special , always disconcerting aura . The Power of Qutb is extraordinary , indeed, the universe revolves around him, fulfilling his designs , which conform to the Will of Allah. The Aqtab and Awliya are the pillars of the earth, the reason for all subsistence away calamities , make it rain ... But elQutb al- Aqtab , the personification of al- Insan al- Kamil , is that it has a full Tasarruf in all worlds , and Bismillah ( in the Name of Allah) has delKun range (I know! creator Allah) . Actually , this is who has lost his ego and , instead , takes the universe to Allah I reflecting what Allah wants . All these disquisitions - very common in the most intimate texts and the Sufi poetry - in around the personality of Qutb al- Aqtab course have aroused suspicion and have been scandalous . Easily have a deification of man or the expression of a myth and an illusion. However, we begin to lift the veil that keeps this secret confusing when you consider two keys: never tries to identify the creature with Allah, and on the other hand, it is a radical deepening of mens role as caliph , as the Quran says , and the Sufis do not restrict their human skills that make him king on earth, but the reason that is beyond its materialization in those skills. In summary, the existential reality (al- haqîqa al- wuyûdía ) is the condition of Mazhar al- Qudra that is at the root of the human being , and that Qutb al- Aqtab recognizes and accepts becoming the update al- Insan al- Kamil , going to intervene and consciously participate in the creative act of Allah , not like Him , for forever is in subordination to the One Truth that sets his being beyond itself . B) The Wisdom reality ( al- al- marifía haqîqa ) Perfect Man . We have seen in previous chapters how the Sufi Path (at- Tariq al- Sufi ) consists of stages , in each of which the pilgrim is purified , and that purification does spongy to knowledge before they were forbidden by the density of its character. Going softening his character to be simplified and made himself ever deeper , connects with the essences . Such knowledge arising from complicity with the secret of things is the stuff of Marifa , self Saber spirit of the people . Such knowledge will never cease to increase and overflow, and the Qutb transmitted to his disciples in various ways. He becomes an overflow of wisdom and lights to his disciples ... and its impact goes further still . Imam al- Jilani expressed it by saying, No wise to know if my science is not , and no pilgrim who does not follow my suggestion and my tradition. It was also the experience of Ibn al- Farid , who said : Every wise is wise because of me , and no one pronounce anything other than my praise . And al- Jili , who said : Every wise there is a drop out of my seas. This constant determines Marifa immersion in another feature of al- Insan al- Kamil : as is Mazhar al- Qudra , is also Mazhar al- Ilm , Science lamanifestación Allah. Just as his power is Tasarruf , involvement and participation in the creative act , wisdom penetrates to the inmost recesses of being, and there is nothing that is not noticed by the science of Polo of the Poles , nothing is hidden from him, nothing escapes his knowledge. As we said in the case of the above feature , all these thoughts and experiences tell us about the universality that lies in man , the secret of his being, and place it in the center of the universe. Who detaches himself, and follows the path of the Sufis , he does after this powerful intuition. The force of what has torn from apathy and ignorance leads to the top of his own secret, which is that everything is in a conjugate - Reunification Unit which is his throne as he is the Throne of Allah. Imam al- Jilani , in one of his texts , says that Allah said: O Supreme Gawz , show me anything as much as I do in the Human Being . the afrad The whole existence is subject to Qutb al- Aqtab , with one exception: the afrad . The Fard ( literally means singular , plural is afrad ) is outside the authority of the Polo, in the definition of them gave great masters such as Ibn Arabi . Their existence , say the Sufis - shows the progression in the road has no end, and that anyone who says I have reached the extreme limit lies. Indeed , the Sufis often use terms derived from the idea of reaching Allah ghusl wisal , wasl , ittisâl ... But actually refer to degrees of purity and transparency of spirit , and do not indicate a final culmination . Similarly, the summit to which they refer ( as the Qutb or Qutb al- Aqtab ) are moments of fullness, and are not final moments. Or we can interpret these terms as attempts to bring order to the exposure of the road, but in reality there are plenty of exceptions. And afrad are exceptional , that are not subject to anyone and no order . They are those who have had their own road and within it have reached own summits , reaching beyond it Qutb al- Aqtab . Even someone who has followed the path , can actually be a Fard in spirit . And so we have seen in previous appointments how al- Jilani qualifies both Qutb , Qutb al- Aqtab and Fard (singular ) . Actually the Sufi Path is infinite in its possibilities of manifestation. There is a general line , which is what we wanted to expose Throughout these pages, but there are margins unpredictable experiences. The afrad are located in those areas not subject to any rule, but agree on the meaning of the Way. Singular ( Fard ) is having a powerful personality in following the Way and enjoys a special Please guide you to Allah. They are always , in every age, very few and not less than three, according to Ibn Arabi . Even if a teacher could have given, Fard actually ignores him. They are loners. Before he died , the Prophet ( sas ) said to Umar and Ali- you were the Poles of their time - they would find a Yemeni, and knew that when I had to ask him to intercede for them with Allah. This singular man was Uwais al- Qarani , who had come to the essence of Islam without having met Muhammad (pbuh ) . This gives a value uniqueness and special merit to afrad . The Most Perfect If the Pole of the Poles ( the Perfect Man ) is more perfect compared to perfect ( the rest of the poles and wise ) , if the Singular reach inaccessible to other peaks, there is, however , an even fuller range , which he is the Most Perfect in an absolute sense (al- Akmal ) . It is that which corresponds exclusively to the Prophet ( sas ) . Muhammad ( sas ) is al- Akmal above all creatures. Moreover, it is the support of Qutb al- Aqtab , its reason for being , and is the inspiration that guides afrad . I mean, the man is perfect ( Kamil ) , but the Prophet is the Most Perfect (al- Akmal ) , the essence of human essence , paradigm on which is built around Model of all existence and secret of all being . This is the range Muhammadan Essence (al- al- Muhammadía haqiqa ) or Light of Muhammad ( Nur Muhammad ) - Note: Some authors simply identify with al- Insan al- Kamil , but must differentiate putting in root of the Perfect Man . In any case, this is not the appropriate place to go into the issue of Muhammadan essence , which is far beyond what can be summarized in a few lines . Suffice it to say the Imam al- Jilani : O Muhammad , you are the Sultan of the essence , the pupil of the eye being. The heads of the wise lean on the threshold to the door leading to know . The fronts of all creatures perch on the ground when entering the enclosure of your majesty.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:11:27 +0000

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