ELDERS OF BIU EMIRATE AND H E KASHIM SHETTIMA SHOULD CALL ZANNA AND DURKWA TO ORDER The rivalry between the deputy governor of Borno state Alh Zanna Umar Mustapha, and the commissioner of religious affairs Alh Usman Durkwa, is taking a new dimension which if not tackled in time may lead to breach of public peace in Biu and even the state as a whole. Clash between the supporters of the two sides was averted due to the timely intervention of sarkin baka of Biu. I was reliably informed through different sources that the crisis begin when supporters of the deputy governor went round the town removing posters of Durkwa and replacing them with that of the deputy governor. Durkwa, who is the current commissioner for religious affairs has been nursing the ambition of becoming the deputy governor of the state for a very long time, and is now capitalizing on the unfriendly nature of the deputy governor to exert himself as the next deputy governor in 2015. Previously, the duo has had a face to face confrontation in the presence of the Governor himself. Though, I was told the governor intervened and save the situation, but the rivalry between the two still persist. The two sides since then have been engaged in plots and counter plots which resulted into the near confrontation between the supporters of the two sides during the sallah break in Biu. Though, Durkwa is from Hawul local govt, but he now enjoys relative support among the people in Biu, despite the fact that Biu is the home town of the deputy governor. This is as a result of the unfriendly nature of the deputy governor which many people from the local govt are complaining of. The problem is that these two public office holders have no concrete achievement to warrant them to hold the offices that they are holding. They have not impacted positively on the lives of their people. Though to some extent, Durkwa has done far better in terms of his human relation with his people, he has been able to maintain the support they have been giving him through sharing money and other poverty alleviation stuffs, but when it comes to real human capital development, he has done nothing to the people of his local govt. The deputy governor on the other hand, apart from being unfriendly, he has no good record of human relation. He insult people some times and has only empowered some few 16th century behaved youths in the area who are merely just political thugs that he uses in harassing people who they perceive as not supporting them. This is a man that can even have confrontation with children; he lacks diplomacy and the political attitude to control his local govt. These two politicians should leave us alone. The relative peace that the area is witnessing, thanks to the bravery of the youths who confronted the insurgents when Zanna and Durkwa were on hiding should not be sacrificed on the alter of some political interest. The elders of BIU EMIRATE and Governor Kashim Shettima should as a matter of urgency call these people to order. The two of them should tell us their achievements in terms of real human capital development, and infrastructural development that they were able to attract to the area. They should know that pasting campaign posters at this time is clearly against the electoral act, and can result in disqualification of candidates. Therefore, if they do not exercise restrain, we the youths will be left with no other option than to use our pen and petition INEC, IGP,DSS, and other relevant bodies to take appropriate action. Even Hon Muktari Betara, who has done excellently in touching many lives positively, is not giving any one problem, because he is a complete gentleman. He always tries to avoid confrontatation even when it is clear that he is being attacked politically by some political jobbers. He is indeed an example of how a good leader should behave. I wonder if any of the above people have achieved what Betara has accomplished so far what they can do. The situation should not be allowed to degenerate before taking action, because of the volatile nature of the state. The deputy governor and the Hon commissioner should know that, thugery is no longer fashionable in politics. What matters now is what ideas you have that can bring about change. They should also know that plans are underway to map out strategy to mobilize our people I Diaspora, especially those in Abuja, Kaduna, Lagos, Portharcourt, and those living abroad to always come back home during elections to ensure that credible people are elected. Thugs will no longer be allowed to control political landscape in our communities. The era of deceiving our people in the villages with salt and soap or using thugs to harass villagers is over. What we need now is politics of ideas, principles, and people oriented policies and programs, and any one who does not buy into these ideas, then he will not get the support of the people. BEDA, BIU FORUM, and other relevant pressure groups in the area should take note and act please.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:58:57 +0000

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