ELECTION 2014 … AND IT’S UP TO US Most important of all, - TopicsExpress


ELECTION 2014 … AND IT’S UP TO US Most important of all, quit following family traditions of either voting right or left! Sit back, think of what and where you’d like to see New Zealand as country to be in the near future. Which party policies will better serve the nation and its people? Don’t vote a party because you like a certain member of that political party. Each politician will always look after themselves at the end of the day however, very skilfully will say and behave in the manner you and I would expect them to. Being a politician has to do with being a performer as well. They’re out selling themselves to us before they preach their policies, don’t get taken back with their sweetest of approaches but question that politician’s stance on matters that affect you! New Zealand is extremely lenient when it comes to our immigration stance and as a result of being so compassionate, everyday Kiwis are struggling. It’s sickening as to how many of the “new setllers” are treating New Zealand as a stepping stone to take flight into other countries, misusing our social welfare system to only fuel their personal desires, ripping us off by avoiding taxes, exploiting vulnerable staff, undercutting other tradesman and ruining the market, below standard workmanship, overcrowding flats, insurance fraud, dodgy immigration agents and the list continues. Here we don’t have a savings culture, which party will introduce and saving plan that’ll assure was some relief post the age of 65? Which party will make sure that the eligibility of pension is overhauled, so that’s fare on the born and bred locals [it’s not racist, every other nation has this in place already].Which party will focus on our medical system? Extension of free medical care for kids, discipline focused education system, better surveillance of our streets, more police patrol, incentives for the locals, rather than schemes to attract more dependents from offshore, expansion of towns and cities, freeing up land for affordable housing, utilising local banks as a rule, setting up processing plant within New Zealand, making it easier for the under 25’s to purchase their first home, government grants to start up small businesses, tax advantage for new and selected businesses most import of the lot, which political party will put their foot down and be courageous enough to say no to foreign ownership. Be it housing or business. Neither one of our political parties have all of the above policies, think wisely, make your vote count and don’t get fooled. New Zealand is as much mine as it is yours. We have the right to take our politicians to task, we Kiwis employ them, politicians don’t employ us…. Never let go of this fact! There’s a whole lot more…. This shall be enough for now.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:13:34 +0000

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