ELECTION 2014 Löfven closes the door on V Jonas Sjöstedt and - TopicsExpress


ELECTION 2014 Löfven closes the door on V Jonas Sjöstedt and Ulla Andersson went to Stefan Löfven with the hope that the Left would be part of a new government. But S leader said tvärnej. Now down Sjöstedt requirement that welfare gains stopped to support a budget. It was a pale and obviously taken Sjöstedt who met the media Monday night. At 16.30 he and the Left Party deputy chairman Ulla Andersson the short walk to the Social Democrats in the Parliamentary Office of Cephalus-house. They go there with the hope to be part of a red-green government. - When we come up to Stefan Löfven, we immediately notice that he is not interested in the rule with the Left. This is of course an answer I deeply regret and I think the Social Democrats made a big mistake, says Jonas Sjöstedt. Left leader was clearly caught off guard by the announcement from Löfven. - It was a flat refusal. We held out his hand. They did not take it, he says. In TV debates last week had the Red-Green talked together and stood united against the alliance. - It is clear that emotionally I feel that we stood side by side in the final debates. And I think we won them. It was important to Stefan Löfven was going to be the last prime minister. The day after, were not welcome anymore. The reason for shutting out the Left from the government is that Stefan Löfven mean that it then becomes easier to reach settlements across the block boundary. - We will have and strive for cooperation with the Left in both the budget and other issues. However, we see no possibility that we sit in government together. That they are part of the government, we see not, says Stefan Löfven said. Jonas Sjöstedt left Monday night two statements about how the Left will act in opposition. The party will lay down votes in the upcoming vote, Prime Minister provided the government consists only of the Social Democrats and the Green Party. With regard to the upcoming budget puts Sjöstedt now pressure on Stefan Löfven. To support a budget requires an end to the Left gains in welfare. - We have one condition and that is parallel to the budget made it a settlement of gains in welfare that we are happy with. Do not go there so there will be no budget deal, says Jonas Sjöstedt. A little over an hour before the dramatic meeting with Jonas Sjöstedt sat Stefan Löfven and Jämtin down in the first interviews with Green Party spokesperson on Social Democrats parliamentary office. When the quartet came out after an hour for a brief photo opportunity at S-Offices courtyard pointed both Stefan Löfven and Asa Romson that the difficult parliamentary situation. - Voters have announced that they want a new government, but it is also a parliamentary position that requires collaboration with others, says Åsa Romson. The talks are still in their infancy but continues today when the President is likely to call themselves the party leaders. The Social Democrats and the Green Party will then form negotiating groups to take on the sakpolitiska challenges for government formation. - There will be people who will move deeper into the negotiations, what needs to be addressed. We must return to, says Stefan Löfven. After yesterdays first round of discussions, it is clear that the main track of the Social Democrats is to form government with the Green Party, but to seek support for the budget of the first Left. - When we go into a negotiation we do so in good faith to reach agreement. We assume that we have a significant influence, says Jonas Sjöstedt. At the press briefing on Sveavägen said Stefan Löfven that we were larger than the Alliance. But the Social Democrats and the Left Green Party needs to be greater than the bourgeois. - When the counted Left. Two hours later we were out numbered, says Jonas Sjöstedt. How do you interpret it? - Yes, you may ask Stefan Löfven. I thought we won this election together. Six years ago there was great opposition from the trade union movement when the Left was outside the red-green cooperation. - Do I unionists right, they have hoped for us to be with. One sees that in matters secure forms of employment, labor and work environment, where we are a reliable ally. The Social Democrats have no other friend than us in parliament and now they chose not to use his friend. S leader believes that now may be the case with unorthodox solutions and pointed out that the party is willing to cooperate with all parties except the Sweden Democrats. He pointed out several areas where there are opportunities to reach agreements with the Centre Party or the Liberal Party. - We have a brand new political map in Sweden and it demands responsibility from everyone, something that all parties must address, says Stefan Löfven. Jens Kärrman [email protected] dn.se/valet-2014/lofven-stanger-dorren-for-v/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:06:57 +0000

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