ELIE WIESEL ACCUSES HAMAS OF CHILD SACRIFICE NICHOLAS AND LENCE COMMUNICATIONS Contact: Cristyne Tel: (212) 938-0002 cristyne@nicholaslence FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Elie Wiesel Accuses Hamas of Child Sacrifice In Massive Advertising Campaign Organized by Rabbi Shmuley Boteachs This World: The Values Network, Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel Condemns the Terrorists of Hamas for Using Children as Human Shields New York, NY August 1, 2014 - In a stirring advertising campaign organized by Rabbi Shmuleys organization, This World: The Values Network, which seeks to disseminate universal Jewish values in politics, media, and culture as well as defend the State of Israel, Nobel Peace Laureate, Elie Wiesel, invokes the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac to frame the modern conflict between Israel and Hamas. Wiesel states that though Abraham lifts his knife to sacrifice his own son Isaac, his hand is stayed by God’s own command, thereby rejecting child sacrifice forever. He added that, Jews rejected child sacrifice 3500 years ago. Now its Hamas turn. Prof. Wiesel argues that while the suffering of those in Gaza is immense and a true tragedy, the blame lies solely with Hamas who use children as human shields and stores rockets and ammunitions in nurseries, schools, hospitals, and family homes. This World Founder Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, stated, Our purpose is to bring one of the greatest moral voices or our time and one of the most respected human beings alive, who bore witness to the atrocities of genocide and the Holocaust, to respond to the ugly and fraudulent criticisms of Israel and call for an end to the genocidal aspirations of Hamas. Rabbi Boteach added, “Hamas charter is clear -- they seek the annihilation of the State of Israel and the murder of Jews wherever they may be found. Not only is it unreasonable to ask Israel not to defend itself against rockets launched and tunnels dug by Hamas with the intent to destroy, it is also deeply immoral. If Israel did not resist the terrorists of Hamas, it would be guilty of contempt for the lives of its own citizens. We all lament the loss of Palestinian life brought about by the murderous Hamas regime. This is especially true of the children. That is why we have produced this advertising campaign with Elie Wiesel, to stop the terrorist cowards of Hamas from hiding behind innocent children and pregnant women. The ad campaign includes full page ads in leading American publications including: The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, The Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, as well as an extensive social media campaign. The advertisements begin running on Friday, 1 August and continue throughout the coming days in various publications. A television advertising campaign is also planned. Rabbi Boteach added, Our organization seeks to promote universal Jewish values and the light of the Jewish people. Israel is the supreme embodiment of these Jewish values, in which we all take such immense pride. Israel is a culture of life which promotes the infinite value of life while Hamas is a gay- murdering, women honor killing, deeply misogynistic, stone-age, barbaric terrorist death cult, dedicated to genocide. Hamas is an affront to peace-loving Muslims everywhere who should join us in its condemnation. And we Jews will join the fight with our brothers in Israel against Hamas until peace prevails. For more information, or to schedule an interview, contact Cristyne Nicholas at Nicholas and Lence Communication -- (212) 938-0002, cristyne@nicholaslence.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 04:44:40 +0000

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