ELM2263 (All sections: 701, 702,703, 704, 705, 706) – Blog - TopicsExpress


ELM2263 (All sections: 701, 702,703, 704, 705, 706) – Blog Assignment (15 Marks) Based on the session with Mr Lee Woong Ho on 17th April 2014, you are required to do the following: 1. Produce a blog for your assignment! You may use any blogging platform – Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, Pitas, Xanga, Livejournal, etc. However, you may not use micro-blogging platforms such as Twitter. Shortage of words = shortage of marks. This blog is to be done in a GROUP, with members of your liking (minimum of 3 members, maximum of 4). 2. The blog can have any name – make it exciting and interesting! No boring names, please. No extra marks for “bodeking”*, e.g. kamisayangkelaslinguistics.blogspot. Nice name, but that won’t guarantee any marks! You CAN use your own blog, but of course that means I will be reading older stuff you post… hmmm… * There’s no accurate translation for the Malay word “bodek”. Therefore, from a linguistic standpoint, it’s perfectly acceptable to use the word “bodek” here. :) 3. You are only required to have a total of 3 blog posts. Each post is worth 5 marks. Here’s what each blog post should be about: i. Your first post will focus on your experience as a whole. How was it like preparing for the “press conference”? What were your expectations? What are your feelings regarding the whole night? How did everything go, and how did everyone feel? Be creative and engaging in your account of the night! ii. For the second post, talk about your observations on that night. Compare the data you’ve obtained that night with what you’ve learned in class, with particular emphasis on Eric Lenneberg’s Critical Period Hypothesis and the 5 Stages of Language Acquisition. Does your data prove the theories you’ve learned? Elaborate and critically analyze the situation. Again, write in an exciting and interesting manner – no boring assignment-style accounts please. Nobody wants to write or read a boring piece of work! iii. For your final post, reflect on what you’ve learned overall. How has the night changed you as a person (ok, that sounds dramatic much… Hmmm…)? What do you think should be done with the knowledge you’ve learned? As Muslims, what should we be doing with the data obtained? I’d like to see the reflection process well elaborated in this post. Marks will be given based on style, clarity, grammar, creativity, and effort. You are highly encouraged to include pictures and videos to enhance the overall experience! :D If you’re using pictures I took, do give me credit, lah :) How to submit this assignment: text/Whatsapp me your blog URLs latest by 29th April 2014, 11.37pm (you read that right!). Late submission? You know what will happen ;)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 13:01:02 +0000

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