EMAIL FROM MEMBER RE: CHILD IN NEED REGISTER: I have a daughter, she is 4, nearly 5, her Father & I split up when she was around a year old but she has a great relationship with him & regular contact, he has an older son who is 10, his older son has Aspergers. When my daughter was born she was brilliant, right up until she started in her 1st year of primary, we had the odd tantrum, but she was always happy to sit & paint or colour in, anything to do with art really. When she started nursery she developed a bit of a temper & got a bit cheeky but nothing serious. Then she started her 1st year of school, & rapidly problems started. She became extremely violent towards myself, started wetting herself frequently, developed eating issues, became completely obsessed with the little mermaid, she is nearly 5 & could pretty much tell you word for word the entire film if she wanted she even had to be called Ariel & kept demanding I buy her red lipstick & change her hair so it was the same as Ariels. She also went through a phase of over exercising, she still does this from time to time now, to the point where sometimes when we are out walking she will run to the point she feels sick & has several times done so, she likes how it makes her heart go faster. She is generally a happy little girl, has no social issues, is brilliant at school, she is an exceptional talker for her age and is just where she should be for her age in other areas. Recently I asked the school for help with her behaviour & they directed me to the well being team & we have 2 lovely support workers. There has been no mention of having my daughter diagnosed with anything, in fact her teacher has no concerns what so ever that she has mentioned. Our support workers havent directly said anything to me & theyre currently on annual leave so at the moment I cant get hold of them. I received a letter the other day from social services telling me they will be contacting me soon to come out & see us at home as my daughter has been placed on the child in need register, I have looked at this online & its no where near as serious as the child at risk register, what I have learned from reading up on it is they basically come to assess my daughters development. Has anyone ever been in this situation? I dont really know what to expect, Im not concerned too much just a little confused, does this mean they are looking to have her diagnosed with something? Thanks for reading
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 13:41:54 +0000

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