EMAIL FROM MEMBER RE: PROBLEM WITH BOYFRIENDS TREATMENT OF CHILDREN: I have a problem & would like to get other point of views on it! I am a Mom of 3 beautiful children & I have recently divorced their Father because he is in prison & serving an extremely long sentence but this is not my problem, I have been with my boyfriend for going on 4 months now, & he isnt adjusting very well to having the kids around. When we first got together my ex husbands mom & dad had custody of them so I could get my life in order to be able to support myself & my children. The problem is how is is with the 2 girls ages 2 & 4, he puts them in the corner for doing the simplest things like crying, because theyre hungry or they ask me for something instead of him after he gets home from work, or if they say they are full or dont like something we made for dinner. He is always threatening to spank them if they dont stop crying after getting into trouble! I have tried to tell him he has to let them be kids theyre siblings theyre going to fight etc & not always be nice to each other, me & my 4 siblings were always fighting & we still do, he thinks he is going to brake them of it. Ive tried to tell him that he isnt but he dont listen to me or to his mom! My oldest daughter is terrified of him, I know he has NEVER done anything to hurt her in any way except for a spanking & yelling at her because she is always with me, theyre never alone for any amount of time someone else is always in the room with him & the kids so that has already been ruled out, but I am worried if he dont change my kids are going to grow to be scared of him for a really long time & I know he loves them & they love him because when I tell them he is on his way home from work they get excited! Please what else should I do? If I cant figure something out soon I am going to end the relationship & I really dont want to do that, I am falling in love with this man & the kids love him, I am also afraid that if he dont change or something when I leave him the kids are going to be heart broken! I know I have been all over the place in this message but I didnt know where to start.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 10:36:09 +0000

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