EMBARRASSING?? COME AGAIN, MR. MINORITY LEADER!!! The minority leader said the recent cocaine bust at Heathrew is an embarrassment to Ghana. I dont want believe he really said that. Mr. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu, what can be more embarrassing than a Sitting Member of Parliament of Ghana been busted for possessing cocaine? You remember Eric Amoateng? He was voted to represent his people in Ghanas Parliament as a law maker, barely a year after his election he was caught red-handed trading with cocaine. Who knows, it could be that his entire campaign was driven by the cocaine money. A law maker of Ghana was caught red-handed with Narcotic substance and that wasnt embarrassing to Ghana. Eiiiiih Kyei Mensah!! Nana Akuffo was a minister of state and he was also caught with Narcotic substance. Interestingly he said it was for his personal use and for diplomatic reasons he was not disgraced further. What can be more embarrassing than this, Mr. Minority Leader? The issue of the three NPP women from Djorwolo is still fresh in our minds. Yet that one too wasnt embarrassment to the Ghanaian woman. The-cocaine-turn-soda cant escape our minds. You remember this substance was under 24-hour surveillance with CCTV cameras. Only God knows what happened then. I hope the international communities hailed a Ghana for that. Is it not stated in Wikileaks that, about two tons of cocaine left the shores of Ghana between 2006 and 2007 through KIA? Mr. Minority leader, what was your take on that? I dont want to bore readers with something something Benjaminand something something Limping man. The above as chronicled happened when NPP was in power under the leadership of the Gentle giant, JAK. If the above cant be or wasnt embarrassing to Ghana, I dont think this lies to get an Attaa can be. Mr. Minority Leader, change another strategy, because this is completely dead on arrival. You are still being irresponsible opposition MPs as Gabby Otchere Darko said.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 20:30:44 +0000

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