EMBODIED FORM OF SACRIFICE .... THE SACRIFICIAL PURUSHA The Rig Veda specifies ten important requirements for the sacrificial Purusha. 1. Should be without a blemish (Nishikalanga Purusha) 2. The Purusha has to be separated from others While sacrificing the horse, the sacrificial horse is always separated from other horses. A bush of thorns is usually placed on the head of the horse to inform the people that this horse is separated from the sacrifice. Also the head of the horse is considered to represent the Purusha Thorn Bush on Head https://youtube/watch?v=5gOjek5FF94 3. The Purusha has to be rejected by his own people In Itareya Brahmana it is written that the sacrificial animal should be rejected by its father, mother, brother, sister and friends HiS Own People rejected him and seek his Blood. https://youtube/watch?v=vMDpP9LsJG0 4. The Yagna Purusha has to suffer silently Rig Veda 5.46.1 says, Like a horse I have yoked myself, well knowing to the pole. I seek neither release nor turning back. https://youtube/watch?v=hh84vr6O8gQ 5. The Purusha has to be tied to a post In Satapata Brahmana it is written, never do they immolate an animal without tying it to a pole. Na varute yapaat pasum alabhate kadachana (III -7.3.1). It is important to tie the animal to a sacrificial pillar before it is sacrificed. This pillar is called Yupastampa (sacrificial pillar), which has now become a flag mast. https://youtube/watch?v=2V4jxkoXp2U 6. The blood of the sacrificial man should be shed Bruhad Aranyaka Upanishad ( says, Tvacha evasya rudhiram, prasyandi tvacha utpatah, Tasmaattadarunnaat praiti, raso vrukshadi vahataat, As the sap comes out of the cut tree, blood comes out of the Purusha who is cut. 7. The sacrificed animals bones should not be broken 8. The sacrificed Purusha should return to life The Bruhad Aranyaka Upanishad says, Yad Vruksho vrukshano rohati, mulannavatharah punah, martyah svinmrutyuna vruknah, kasmaanmulaat prarohati, Retasa iti maavocata, jivatastat praja yate, dhanaruh a iva vai crau vruksho, anjasaa pretya sammbhavha, which means, if the tree is cut, it will grow again from its root. But after the man (martyah) was cut off by death, from which root does he come forth? Do not say that has is from the ratas (seed or semen) because ratas comes from the one who lives. Remember this man is dead. But this man (Purusha) comes alive, on his own. https://youtube/watch?v=smUHqg3npAE 9. The flesh of the Purusha should be eaten by his saints In Satpata Brahmana(,2) we find that Prajapati gave Himself up to them, thus the sacrifice became theirs, and indeed the sacrifice is the food of the gods (saints). https://youtube/watch?v=ItcURbkjXOA 10. The sacrifice is for all SARVA PAPA PARIHARO RAKTHAPROKSHANAM AVASYAM. TAD RAKTAM PARAMATHMENA PUNYA DANA BALIYAGAM. Sarava papa = All sins of the all human beings pariharo = in order that they can be redeemed, rakta = blood prokshanam = sprinkling avasyam = is compulsory, or must tad = that raktham = blood paramathmena = should be that of the God, who is the creator punya = that comes freely danam = as a gift baliyagam = which is to come through sacrifice of him (God). Meaning = For the forgiveness of all the sins of all human beings and redemption of them, sprinkling of the blood is a must and a compulsory act. That blood should belong to the God who is the creator and it shall be donated to the human beings by Him as a free gift through his sacrifice.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 07:22:22 +0000

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