EMDHR Press Statement on the Shegerab Refugee Camp Crisis in - TopicsExpress


EMDHR Press Statement on the Shegerab Refugee Camp Crisis in Sudan The Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR) expresses its deepest shock to yet another tragic loss of Eritrean refugees in the Atbara River and the harassment of the refugees in the Shegerab Refugee Camp by Sudanese security forces. According to recent reports, early this week dozens of Eritrean refugees run away from the Shengerab refugee camp and attempted to cross the Atbara River to Khartoum on a wooden boat. Tragically, the unsafe boat capsized and as a result most of its passengers are believed to have died. With an intention to rescue the victims, another group of Eritrean refugees left the Shegerab camp which is extra ordinary and daring step given the spate of kidnappings over the years and the failure of Sudanese authorities in providing adequate protection. Yet, the Sudanese authorities chose to arrest the rescue team and burn the refugee shelters in the camp, instead of investigating the fatal incident and providing support to the traumatized refugees reeling from the dreadful incident and many more before that. While we have always been grateful for the historical and continuing generosity of the Sudanese government and people in hosting Eritrean refugees, we condemn the unlawful arrest of vulnerable refugees and the use of paramilitary security forces in the refugee camp. We urge: 1. The Sudanese government to set up an independent inquiry commission to investigate the incidents surrounding the crisis involving Eritrean refugees in the Shegerab Refugee Camp; 2. Sudanese authorities to immediately release all Eritrean refugees unlawfully arrested and held by sudanese security forces; authorities must also immediately withdraw paramilitary security forces out of the Shegerab Refugee Camp; 3. The Sudanese government to do all under its power to find and identify the bodies of the victims of the Atbara River and return them to their families in Eritrea for proper burial; 4. The Sudanese Government to grant Eritrean refugees freedom of movement within Sudan which will no doubt stop the fatal practices of human smuggling and extortion by unscrupulous individuals; 5. The Sudanese authorities have the obligation and responsibility to provide adequate protection to the Eritrean refugees under their jurisdiction; 6. The UNHCR and the international community must seriously pay attention to the Eritrean refugee crisis and assist in finding durable solutions; 7. The international community must reject and condemn the totalitarian regime ruling Eritrea which is the primary cause for the human rights and refugee crises. In the face of the continuous tragedies and precarious conditions in Eritrea, the world should join us in saying enough is enough and press for democratic change. Refugee Protection Office Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR) 27 December 2014 Pretoria, South Africa Email: [email protected] emdhr.net
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:28:27 +0000

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