EMERGENCY ALERT: PRES. GOODLUCK JONATHAN MUST STEP DOWN BEFORE FEBRUARY 14, 2015 APC HRSJC, NDLIF & MEND (National & International Chapters - Civilians) have raised the security alert of Nigerians to the HIGHEST LEVEL which is now SEVERE and to inform Nige-rians that their lives are in eminent danger because of the sitting weak president (Goodluck Jona-than) which rendered the army, police, and sss weak. Publishers have sent internal memo to President Goodluck Jonathan to step down and not to waste time and money on INEC. Other parties support APC and Buhari and personally agreed not to incur costs to contest election on February 14, 2015. In one northern town (Baga, Borno State) over 2000 Nigerians were murdered rt/news/221347-nigeria-insurgency-islamic-attack/# . Boko Haram and ISIS are getting ready with over 700,000 foot-soldier to over-run Nigeria and impose caliphate authority on all Nigerians and those that resist such imposition will be killed, chopped in pieces, beheaded and roasted. Gen Buhari and APC are ready to, on the first week upon entering into the president have one/one talk leading to mediation with Boko Haram, and other group agitating for their rights and present best option but failure to heed the option and accept the given option, the rejecting group and the world will see one the sweat-free measure to take-out gun running and scattered clandestine insurgents. RESPONDING TO: ‘2,000 killed in Nigeria’: Boko Haram’s latest attack deadliest in history, Amnesty says rt/news/221347-nigeria-insurgency-islamic-attack/# Jonathan must exit leadership of Nigeria immediately because he is the cause of the being of Boko Haram because of his slave/master relationship with Bush/Obama and other western na-tions which deprived him from taking appropriate steps to restore order in Nigeria. APC will cancel all the on-going irrational racist wars/conflicts created by semi-illiterate ex-convicted-wanted President George W. Bush, Jr. and handover to President Barack Hussein Obama and again who lured over 63 new more countries to blindly follow them and US and oth-er western nations or citizens are not having good rest and sleep because of panic and fear of the infiltration of ISIS. Deceitfully, US and the western nations have no boot on the ground in Iraq, Syria, etc because of the psychological warfare of ISIS which is beheading, chopping in piece and roasting children, men, women, Christians, Muslims, etc. US and other western nations are afraid and discriminato-ry to have foot-soldier on the ground as they did during the world war II to eliminate Adolf Hit-ler. Boko Haram is not Muslim because Islam is one of the best religions in the world. Nowhere in the Holy Koran Prophet Mohammed ordered beheading, chopping in piece and roasting children, men, women, Christians and Muslims because they dont belief in any religion ideology. Jonathan must exit immediately because he is the cause of the being of Boko Haram which stayed active because of the foolishness of Jonathan who succumbed to the evil slave/master alli-ance forces of US and allies; negotiate the conflict and if Boko Haram refused best option on the table and under the induced fight because Jonathan and PDP continued to loot and repatriate the wealth of Nigeria oversea there is no money to buy superior arms and ammunition to stop Boko Haram. Nigerians are aware that Boko Haram and ISIS are united and recruiting over 700,000 foot army to overrun the entire nigeria. With APC such ambition will not succeed because APC will not follow US, NATO, and allies stupid war-conflict and war-conflict plans that escalate war/conflict which put them in danger across the world. Restating that APC will talk to Boko Haram and present standard alternative justice option but if they drift-out to refuse, there are special plans to contain clandestine movement like Boko Ha-ram, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, etc. For your information Islam is one of the best religion in the world and the following are the 3 top ranking religions in the world: 1. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS; 2. ISLAM; 3. JEHOVAH WITNESSES. Poster by: APC HRSJC, NDLIF & MEND (National & International Chapters - Civilians) universal-fashion-art-music.blogspot.ca/2014/03/political-manifesto-ofume-president-2015_10.html rt/news/221347-nigeria-insurgency-islamic-attack/# rt/files/news/36/0a/30/00/4.jpg
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:44:35 +0000

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