EMERGENCY FAVOR, PLEASE READ AND REPLY ASAP (VERY SERIOUS MATTER ON MY HANDS AND I NEED HELP): I have a HUGE favor to ask of anyone in the Ap/Ingleside area.... Its actually a favor for my son Matthew who has me scared....... The boys have had a nasty cough with congestion but with no fever so the school has been letting them go back everyday bc they arent running a temp, but that doesnt mean the symptoms are any better. Actually, why I am posting this so late is bc Matt woke us both up coughing, then choking then gasping for air twice now. He has recovered quickly and hasnt actually STOPPED breathing, just gasping for a second then recovering or we would be on an ambulance right now on our way to Driscoll... on to my favor I am asking... I had a Vicks brand humidifier that you could put a little Vicks in and it would blow it out in the steam but it wont heat up and steam anymore... As of this current second I am a broke white gal and dont get paid until Oct 1 which is soon but still almost a week away, so I cannot go replace mine. Does anyone have one they would be willing to run over to me and let me borrow just for a few days until Matt can get over this or until I can go buy my own. I will pay you October 1 to borrow it, I am just in desperate need for Matts sake to keep him from the hospital and once he is breathing better or I can go buy my own, whichever comes first, I will return it in the same condition I borrowed it in. I wouldnt ask if this wasnt an emergency, possibly a life or death one... The only problem is, if you do have one i will need it to be brought to me bc i have no gas, sucking fumes actually and even ran out of gas the other day and a lady was nice enough to put $5 in my tank, but that didnt get me much so i am still sitting on empty sucking fumes. I am sorry to ask that but at the same time thanks everyone.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 06:10:08 +0000

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