EMERGENCY MEMO TO APC HEADQUARTERS, ABUJA NIGERIA APC Tokyo, Japan March 12, 2015 RE. CAMPAIGN QUESTIONABLE STATUS IN MARCH 2014 - URGENT ACTION SOLICITED IMMEDIATELY USA, UK, Italy, Oil/gas companies and their allies think they can capture APC as they captured PDP. There is sense in this interrogation because of the fear and dangerous position of USA, UK, Italy, Oil/gas companies and their allies in APC particularly member with direct and indirect connections with USA, UK, Italy, Oil/gas companies and their allies. They (reserved) are afraid to identify themselves with the OFUME PRESIDENT 2015 or Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates. Over 99.7% Nigerian and foreign media have received bribes and are afraid to identify themselves with the OFUME PRESIDENT 2015 or Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates.This a dangerous moment in this campaign. Why should actors of change be afraid of the enemies of Nigeria; Nigerians; economic, social, civil and political development and prosperity. As you can see the on-going month is March 2014 and under any presidential and other elections, the remaining months to April 2015 and primary elections are used for consolidations of the past campaign and mobilization and only OFUME PRESIDENT 2015 campaign has national and International physical presence of the apc and the recent gallup poll shows that over 87% of youths, women, decampees, students, labor, human rights, etc have joined OFUME PRESIDENT 2015 or Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates campaign which is predominantly civil rights and volunteer groups campaigning for TRUE CHANGE IN NIGERIA 2015 and now apc is left with career politicians and US/UK bred and few decampees. If genuine presidential, state and lga elections were conducted today APC will win over 85% nationally. Consolidation which USA, UK, Italy, Oil/gas companies and their allies are blocking will enable joint campaign to enable APC train over one million election officials across Nigeria to block rigging which these criminals want to use to return PDP or Jonathan to power 2015; make APC win to be over 95% nationally; start unlimited APC membership registration immediately which was lobbied and impeded by these enemies in February 2014; start person/person or door/door grassroot mobilization; unified specialized campaign articles; hand on door/door flyers of APC plan and manifesto (very urgent); hand over the entire campaign to Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates and International Endowment for Democracy & Transparency (TEID) ; Niger Delta International Liberation Force (NDLIF) in collaboration with APC ORGANIZING FOR NEW FEDERAL UNION OF NIGERIA 2015 (to do what they have been doing for over 77 years internationally to ensure election of good government and leaders); fund volunteers who have been working for over one year under self-help; etc. Because USA, UK, Italy, Oil/gas companies and their allies, APC headquarters et als have not sent one kobo to Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates and International Endowment for Democracy & Transparency (TEID) ; Niger Delta International Liberation Force (NDLIF) in collaboration with APC ORGANIZING FOR NEW FEDERAL UNION OF NIGERIA 2015. This violation of the national and international convenant on economic, social and cultural rights of Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates have greatly energized Russia and others to oppose these criminals and career murderers. If APC should ignore the advice of experts or Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates come June 2014 time will be against APC. APC headquarters are using auto-response (APV) in the majority of its communications with Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates. Why is apc headquarters afraid of US, UK, Italy, and oil/gas companies and their allies to open direct contact with Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates that have been winning elections internationally for over 77 years? SHARE EVERYWHERE Posted by: SUPPORT OFUME PRESIDENT 2015 (allprogressivecongress.tumblr/) Dr. Phillip C. Ofume & Associates and International Endowment for Democracy & Transparency (TEID) ; Niger Delta International Liberation Force (NDLIF) in collaboration with APC ORGANIZING FOR NEW FEDERAL UNION OF NIGERIA 2015 apc.ng/; https://facebook/APCNigeria; https://facebook/voteapc; allprogressivescongress.org/contact-us/; https://facebook/voteapc allprogressivecongress.tumblr/;limptinc.blogspot/2013/02/international-movement-for-new-federal.html ; limptinc.blogspot/2012/11/phillip-c-ofume-v-aaaa-civil-docket-no_22.html ; blogger/profile/08744093752636542613; https://facebook/drphillip.ofume
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:39:45 +0000

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