EMOTIONAL FREEDOM AND UNCONDITIONAL SELF-LOVE IS THE NEW SPIRITUALITY! DEAR FRIENDS- I believe that the religious and spiritual teachings of the past have been a series of attempts to help us make sense out of life, open our hearts to peace and love- and let go of the pain that everyone is carrying deep inside. But as I observe with open eyes the unhappiness and frustration of most people alive today- including those who energetically and devotedly follow and practice these perennial teachings and philosophies- I must conclude that they are unable to help the masses of struggling human beings find the joy and inner freedom they long for- and deserve! Why is this so? Because the teachings of the past attempt to heal people- and the world- without squarely facing and dealing with the most important and powerful human experience of all. And that is what occurs during our childhood! This massive blind spot in our spiritual traditions and understanding is the equivalent ignorance to believing that evil spirits and demons cause infections rather than germs! It must now be remedied so that we can heal our pain and free our unlimited potential to make a life- and a world- of creativity, joy and love. The truth is that the pain we feel and suppress to survive- and how we are conditioned to be afraid and doubt our own rightness during our upbringing- is the real source of our lifelong suffering! And NOT the misleading and Self-denying myths of the past- Original Sin, karma from past lives, or the Buddhist ego. Facing the truth of our childhood is the unturned key to our individual healing- and that of the entire human race. The liberating revelation- that changes everything!- is that every one of us was born happy and free, perfectly ready and able to love and be loved. But we were wounded and conditioned to doubt our amazing beauty and infinite worth by our families, societies, cultures and religions. Facing what happened to us as children- fully releasing our buried pain and reclaiming the joy, love and aliveness of our Authentic Selves- is THE most important, Self-Loving and liberating spiritual work a person can do. If you look at it with an open mind you will see how the religions and teachings of the past- and current ones too- all avoid DIRECTLY facing the reality and central importance of what we experience during childhood. And they also deny- through total avoidance of the issue!- the wounds and anguished feelings the vast majority of us suffered. And because of this blindness they distract us from our real freedom work. Which is to love ourselves enough to connect to our buried emotions and anguish, expressing it all in a full-bodied way, and letting all that suppressed life-energy flow to its completion. Fully surrendering to the instinctual crying/sobbing, shouting, and lively movement that is Mother Natures gift of release! Trusting and validating our pain and freeing our bodies to let it go is the only way for our buried emotional stress to be completely healed. And for us to COME RADIANTLY ALIVE AGAIN in the way our hearts, bodies and spirits need- and deserve! I have made it my mission to bring direct work with our feelings- and the breakthrough understanding that our deepest emotional pain and self-defeating conditioning truly originates in childhood- into the center of the spiritual path. I believe that this is an awakening we all need- and a truth that humanity is waiting for. Heres the thing: if it was common sense in the world of spirituality- the way that doing meditation or yoga or praying or cultivating positive thoughts are universally seen as healthy and positive practices- to do direct and cleansing work with ones feelings, it would become easier to do. Because it would be seen as a sacred path and necessary practice- which it truly is! And there would be a vast and validating social support system behind it, as there is behind these other life-giving practices. Your friends would be doing it, youd all be talking about it and sharing the process- and this would make the hard and heroic work of facing your emotional pain easier. Someday the unconquerable desire to be free- and become able again to feel all the joy in our bodies and all the love in our hearts- will motivate humanity to embrace the truth about childhood and EMBRACE ITS SPIRITUAL CENTRALITY. And to recognize as necessary and sacred the liberating emotional work that heals our dysfunctional upbringing, frees us from self-defeating conditioning and awakens lasting happiness and inner peace. You CAN have the joyful life you long for and deserve! So start a Revolution of Self-Love in your own life- and reclaim the real YOU while you build a bridge to your own and humanitys bright future!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:32:34 +0000

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