EMOTIONAL & STRUCTURAL REALIGNMENT FOR THE WILLING... I want to share with you something Ive been going through for the past 5 months but I have to give you some context first... Its something that Ive observed thats coming up a lot lately and I had to share it with you, especially my guy friends. This could be life altering if in the event I articulate this well enough that you take some action on it. I was watching a video from my man Elliott Hulse who if you haven’t heard of him, is a complete bad ass in the way of physical fitness, strength training, philosophy and just an overall amazing human being who strives for all of us to be the strongest version of ourselves. Anyway I was watching his video for men gaining muscle over 40, because well... I’m 41 and I want to keep this body in good standing :) ==> Guys you can check out the video here: bit.ly/QSUboi In the video he brought up this whole concept of structural integrity and it completely aligns with something Ive been going through for the past 5 months... NOW enter my other main man Nelson Cacciatore who co-owns & runs Ultimate Body Work here in Tampa…I’ve been working with him now for going on 5 months and Nelson has done what I thought was nearly impossible. He’s in the process of structurally realigning my body via body work. No, not massage, but deep muscle fiber work and realignment. That means hes putting my body back into place where for YEARS its been off and Ive been over compensating. Causing parts of my body to fire off in ways that arent natural. Hence when I was in Washington DC this past year with Becky Fox, I literally was limping at the end of the day because of all the walking and how structurally out of alignment I was. Now both Elliot AND Nelson share a LOT of similarities in the way they think and live. (By the way, you two need to connect fyi - like seriously somehow) Elliot and Nelson also share a philosophy and belief of how EMOTIONS get trapped in the body. Youll find Elliot practices breath work (whether he calls it this I cant remember) but its where deep breathing for a sustained period allows one to bring a lot of oxygen to the brain quickly and it can bring stored emotions to the surface and help release them. Ive done it and its an amazing process. Well while in session with Nelson this past week he found a place in my hand where I had stored a deep heart blocking emotion. It hurt like HELL and I didnt want to let it go but I did...The emotional release because of this was HUGE this past week and the level of clarity around a few things on my mind became very apparent. I let a ton of stored energy go and Im a stronger version of myself for it. So heres a few take aways to hopefully use from this: #1 Our bodies and our minds are so connected its ridiculous. Ive done so much deep mental and emotional work over the years to align with my highest self, I completely ignored the same kind of alignment with my physical structure. Sure I work out and eat well, but its not the same thing. Structural integrity is paramount to not only our physical but our mental and emotional self. If you continue to work out something thats not right, you eventually cause more damage then good and it impacts more than just your posture. #2 Guys - watch Elliots stuff. He takes many of the same beliefs I share and translates them into strength training, wellness, mindfulness of our inner game and our outer selves. Strong language will ensure so his message isnt for anyone who doesnt want to hear the truth wrapped in some language to ensure the point. #3 if youre in Tampa you gotta connect with Nelson and hit him up over at Ultimate Body Work in Tampa off of Henderson Blvd. Nelson is usually always booked up but his staff and partners are the bomb. All of the benefits of this body work cant be shared enough, except that it the energy you release will spill over into your mental & emotional self causing good things to trigger in your relationships, your fitness level, probably your finances and your connection to source. The mind the body and soul are all to be supported and nourished so we can all be and serve at our highest.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:56:13 +0000

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