EMPLOYMENT 70 (Please, i am sorry for the late post) THE - TopicsExpress


EMPLOYMENT 70 (Please, i am sorry for the late post) THE VOICE THAT CONTAINS WISDOM BASED ON HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. (The 21st century is one in which the approach to the question of employment must experience a massive paradigm shift. For the individuals without a godfather, funds and connections to experience a massive paradigm towards the GOAL called PURPOSE, that individual must discover principles, this is what the employment series is about: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY). There are nine levels of wisdom that must be combined in syerengy to achieve any goal. THE VOICE THAT CONTAINS WISDOM BASED ON HUMAN KNOWLEDGE is one of the nine. THE VOICE THAT CONTAINS WISDOM BASED ON HUMAN KNOWLEDGE is the knowledge made available to mankind through one verse of scripture, that verse of scripture is Daniel 12:4 , which says: But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. The knowledge man has, was given to him by God. Richard Rhodes, writing on Enrico Fermi for Time 100 Builders and Titans Great Minds of the Century, (20th) century says: If the 19th century was the Century of Chemistry, the 20th was the century of physics...... Fermis theory of beta decay introduced the last of the four basic forces known to in nature (gravity, eletromagnetism.....the strong force and his new weak force) Rhodes R. (1999). The creation of the earth by God included the the four basic forces known to in nature. God went ahead to give man an instruction: SUBDUE THE EARTH! And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.Genesis 1:28. God actually set humanity up for these discoveries by putting a brain in him and then increasing the capacity of that brain to by increasing knowledge. Yet it took us over 2000 years or peharps we kept God waiting for over 2000 years to unveal his present to us through what we call discovery! Then Jesus added the timless principle of discovery contained in Matthew 7:7 that says Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Research actually means ask! God went ahead to create a blue print of all that man would need, and that blue print is held in trust in nature. All mankind needed to do was to harness that increase in knowledge while taking advantage of the blue print in nature! Phil Gates book for Children titled; Wild Technologies, is essentially about how nature influenced human inventions! The unemployed individual without godfather, fund or connections, is as relevant as the volume of knowledge he/she has and his/her capacity to convert that knowledge to wisdom, to achieve their goal! Knowledge is productive information that can advance talent in the direction of purpose. Knowledge is the foundation of wisdom. Wisdom is the capacity to harness KNOWLEDGE and convert it to a GOAL. KNOWLEDGE INCREASES WITH A CHANGE IN DEFINITION, AND A CHANGE IN DEFINITION, IS THE FUNCTION OF THE PRESIDING MENTALITY IN THE INDIVIDUAL PER TIME! Jesus sets the PARADIGM PACE by the Matthew 5:14 mental revolution, where he changed the definition of the word city from a PLACE to a PERSON! Prior to that time, a city was a place! Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.Matthew 5:14 Someone once defined a city as a place of opportunities, by that definition, a city was a geographic location: Jerusalem, Damascus etc. Wikipedia defines a city as follows: A city is a relatively large and permanent human settlement. Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town within general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal or historical status based on local law. wikipedia.org/wiki/city. But Jesus introduced a paradigm shift by moving the definition of a city from a geographical location, to an individual! If the Paradigm of Jesus is used to to intetprete Wikipedias definition, then it follows that 1 An individual should have gone beyond identifying his/talents to developing those talents into a sizable sphere of influence. 2 Then individual should acquire administrative skills to manage his/her talent that has grown into a sphere of influence. 3 There should be a legal basis for the individual city and the legal basis is the Law is the Law of Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.Romans 8:2. That means a city (as a geographical location) can have a sphere of influence of the value of 1.5 million people. But when an individual becomes a city, his/her talent has a strength of attraction whosr sphere of influence is of the value of 1.5million people, that build up around that individual. Increase in knowledge is based on this paradigm shift. Once the individual without a godfather, funds and connections, can reset his/her mind to comprehend this truth, unemployment would have gotten a terminal date! There are men that are living cities, while alife, they have a sphere of influence the size of a geographical city! In Nigeria, there is a respected man of God. The first Friday of each month, Daddy G O as he is fondly called, hosts a crowd pulling allnight long meeting, that runs into millions of poeple. The TRUTH is that the HOLY SPIRIT in him has made him the CITY, while the organization he presides over, is the hill. Invent Answers writing on Sir Isaac Newton says: Born and raised in England, Sir Isaac Newton is famous for inventing the theory of gravity....... He wrote extensively about the biblical books on Daniel and John invent.answers/famous-inventors/famous-christian-inventors. Though dead, he remains a city in whose sphere of influence lies the avaition industry and its millions if not billions of people. This position is shared with the wright brothers! Invent Answers, also has this to say of the Wright brothers: Wilbur Wright, Along with his brother Orville, Wilbur Wright successfully invented the first manned aircraft to take flight in 1903. Few people realize how, devoutly the Wright brothers practiced their christian faith. Throughout their lives, Wilbur and Orville refused to work on sundaysinvent.answers/famous-inventors/famous-christian-inventors. Every thing is in the Bible, but the children of light are blinded by low mentality! Jesus knew this, so when he was ascending having finished his ministry on earth, he left his most valuable assets behids they are: 1His thinking system his mind (that is the bible) which he left behind with an instruction Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:Philippians 2:5. 2 And most importantly his Spirit to guide us to rightly study his word. But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:John 15:26. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:2 Timothy 3:16. Every thing is in his word! Everything modern business schools teach, from System, to doctrine, to strategy and more are in there! After all, Systems as designed by God is the first law of nature, that doubles as the first law of creativity. It is the law of systems, which says: A SYSTEM IS THE LAW THAT ORDERS PURPOSE. God created man to dominate the earth, by making him a compendium of systems; nervous, reproductive, digestive systems etc. When L. Paul Bremer III took over war devastated Iraq, just like Major General Lucius Clay before him, took over western Berlin, their first task was to establish systems. The individual without a godfather, funds and connections should understand that employment is 1 A Product of increased knowledge. 2 That the ability to convert Knowledge to Wisdom and then apply it is key. 3 Research is the method of seeking. 4 He/she would need to develop systems. 5 He/she should Study till approval is obtained. 6 Nature as created by God is the template for creativity. 7 THE GREATEST DEPOSIT HOWEVER IS THAT THE WORD CITY HAS MOVED FROM BEING RESTRICTED TO A GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION TO A PERSON. THIS IS A POWERFUL PARADIGM IN SEARCH OF ACTORS WHO WILL PAY ITS COVENANT PRICE 8 THE COVENANT PRICE OF MATTHEW 5:14, IS THR SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMN THAT BEGINS AT MATYHEW 5:1 AND ENDS IN MATTHEW 5:13. REFERENCES 1 Invent.Answers.Com. Sir Isaac Newton. invent.answers/famous-inventors/famous-christian-inventors. 2 Rhodes R. (1999).Enrico Fermi, Time 100 Builders and Titans Great Minds of the Century. New York. Time Inc. Home Entertainment. 3 Wikipedia. City. wikipedia.org/wiki/city. (INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:This series is made available to my Facebook friends, especially for those without a godfather,connections and funds who desire WORK, with PURPOSE in view but are either unemployed or underemployed).
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 01:47:09 +0000

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