EMPLOYMENT WAR IN NIGERIA: WINNING THE HEART OF EMPLOYERS- CHALLENGING JOB SEEKERS IN THE FACE OF UNEMPLOYMENT According to Corinn Mills, eta al, in their book, You Are Hired! “Employers no longer rely on one form of assessment to find their ideal candidate-instead you have to prove yourself throughout the grueling application process. With competition at an all-time high, CVs need to be pitched perfect; interviews need to be sailed through and tests need be aced”. EMPLOYMENT TURBULENCE: THE PAST, THE PRESENT: Today, un-employment has taken a more devilish tour in the country more than the 80s and 90s; leaving thousands of degree holders in the hands of joblessness, insecurity and a tainted future. Pitiably, and more worrisome, scores of graduates have resorted to taken up menial jobs either in the fatherland and or outside the shore with the aim of survival. As cost of running academic, as well as professional programmes continue to galop with numerous and outflow of private institutions, consolidated foreign affiliations and universities, hoping the synergy, as well as the establishment of private institutions, will cushion the outnumbered government institutions, and will positively provide sufficient succour to cater for high school leavers annually. Thus, the resulting effect on one hand has been well commendable-providing ably alternative to admission seekers. On the other hand, the concern has aroused more intensed post-institutional graduation implications, which had to do with the employability of graduates of various institutions- be it private or public and or foreign institutions. Unfortunately, the geometric figures of graduates are not equitable neither is there a seemingly equilibrium march for the number of establishments- multinationals, governments and parastatals, small, medium and large scales entrepreneurship that could conveniently absorb graduands annually. The recent happenings in the labour market are a strong indications of the very many un-resolved challenges that would mitigate against productive economic workforce amidst doubtful interventioning measures, supposedly to be provided for by the government. The Governor Lamido Sanusi led timely sanitizations of the financial institutions quickly rescued many banks, which would have gone into extinction leaving thousands of jobholders in the empty corridor of un-employment, though the intervention of the bank-ace quickly remedied and ameliorated the large envisaged implications. The un-favourable economic climate and absence of favourable operating environments, problems of raw materials, funds, exchange rate, infrastructures, have compelled many establishments to close shops. High volatility and panic of bombblasting have not only contributed impartially to the negating factors for business operation in the country, but keeps sending signals on the instability of the political environment for business to operate in the Northern parts of the country. The retinue who are surviving are remotely coping under a huge tensed operating environment, relatively making margins. Vast majority of business operators are leaving the shores to neighbouring countries, others are relocating and closing down their businesses, whilst some multinationals have resorted to outright sell-off of their business and some left in the hands of the indigenes, etc. The real sector has completely lost his glory, with relative leverage on commercial services. Gone were those days when white collar jobs would be readily awaiting for prospective graduates before concluding their programmes. Government establishments, multinational and a crop of indigenous establishments were in need of the skills labour in huge proportions and will further attract them with juicy perks and offerings. the story has changed today. THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT FIERCE: As we exodus into 21st century, the story has changed completely, population has geometrically galloped, employment rate dropped, infrastructures and business climates not sufficiently improving at par with business environmental demands, expansion, operation and continuity, etc. The implications have been highly enormous and to include operating under intensed and tight business environment, managing vastly little resources to make margins, high demands for highly skilled, competent and professional employees that will sustain and bring businesses into the limelight and assure stakeholders of business success, profitability, continuity and survival amidst huge and cumbersome challenges that could send their businesses into extinction. The rejuvenation and the reforms in the financial institutions towards presenting only vibrant and well-able financial institutions is a major reflection of the battle of the titans’; the high competition in various ministries reflect that, to survive, the brand called people is required. Charles Schwab once said, organizations are stocking men that will do the unusual, men that will perform beyond the expectations and the widest imaginations of the employers. Be it financial institution, manufacturing, agro-allied, ICT, consulting, etc, they all have increased their surveillance and carefully ex-traying the crop of personnel that will deliver value for their stakeholders. Shareholders expect huge dividends, employees expect pay rise, suppliers expect huge demands of supplies and timely settlement; customers welcomes quality of produce, price affordability, quick delivery, customer friendliness, product availability and continuity and reliability of product, personnel, etc. PEOPLE: CATALYST TO BUSINESS PERFORMANCE: It is therefore undeniable to say the fact that, people make things happen. The only resource and instruments that will activate the multiplier effect of employer capital, surpass sales target, widen the corporate brand, impress customers with retention strategies, attracts and retain the best hands, put smiles in the faces of shareholders, is nothing more but people-people make things happen. Quality people, quality performance, quality organization, quality brand. In the quest for surviving in the direst business environment, employers have been compelled to carefully ex-tray their personnel requirements-specifications and on-boarding policies in order to be sure, they have competently aligned their mission, vision with the right manning philosophy. As the demand for performances from top management and executives become critical for shareholders, leading to stringent recruitment metrics, employers demand nothing more but goal-getters, high qualities of competent, professional and skillful personnel in the cause of meeting business demands and requirements. Musketeers are required, exceptionally brilliant and emotionally-stable candidates are needed, people who possess –extraordinary characters, personalities, integrity, skills and attitudes are most wanted and demanded. Many candidates have severally approached the writer to secure his opinions and find out why are they not securing the dreamed job? Why have they been edged out of the selection process? Was it dress sense? Inability to secure connection within? Poorly written CVs? Age and genders? Grade and discipline, and many more? On several interview fora, some candidates weep, solicit and even promise to reward the writer and would never remain an ingrate if their candidacy could be fast-tracked. In often than ever occasions, some candidates, who managed to attend interview chat solicit for financial assistance to transport them back to their destinations, whilst significant proportion would go miles to lend wears- suits, tiles, shoes, and trip-fare and or even make fresh purchase with the view to impressing the interviewers and winning the dream jobs. Some, where they possibly secure the interview contacts, send sms, resort to benevolence prayers and inducing sms to impress their employers. WINNING THE EMPLOYER HEART, SURVIVING THE JOB HURDLES: Few corporate organizations, tight operating environments, little margins, huge graduates, many certificates, combined degrees, good degrees, disparate candidates, large private institutions, few advertised positions, etc? What is the way out? In the midst of one job vacancy, thirty applicants are shortlisted-minimally. How could a job candidate break even, surpass the average requirements of employer, secure a dream job and win the heart of the employer? Follow me as i unveil the secret in the concluding part. Dotun Jegede is Corporate Resources Advisor at NUGI Engineering & Construction Limited and was formerly, Head, Human Resource & Corporate Communication Department, of Animal Care Services Konsult.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 08:06:10 +0000

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