EMPOWERING QUESTION. USE THESE QUESTION TO EMPOWER YOURSELF.AND REMEMBER THEY WORK.JUST LISTEN TO THE QUESTIONS YOU ALREADY ASK YOURSELF. Ask the question. Write down your initial answers. Ask the question again. Sleep on it. Watch for inspired answers and write these down. Keep asking. Over time you will receive all the answers you need to succeed How am I limiting myself right now? How are my current actions creating my future? How are my current thoughts creating my future? How can I be more honest with myself? How can I be more supportive of others? How can I best handle this situation? How can I change my image to reflect the person I want to be? How can I change my typical reaction to this kind of problem? How can I create more time in my day? How can I create what I need? How can I do my job better today? How can I do this better? How can I do this more efficiently? How can I do this more profitably? How can I experience less stress at work? How can I find more fulfilment in my job? How can I find the information I need? How can I gain the support of my family and friends? How can I get more out of this experience? How can I get the training I need? How can I get to know my inner self better? How can I help this person? How can I help this situation? How can I improve my image? How can I improve my life today? How can I improve my physical home environment? How can I improve my physical work environment? How can I improve my self-image? How can I improve my work space? How can I include my family in my plan and schedule? How can I increase my energy? How can I increase my enthusiasm? How can I make more of my special talents? How can I make more time for this? How can I make my visualization more exciting? How can I make progress with the resources I have now? How can I make sure that I don’t make this mistake again? How can I make this situation better? How can I make today a better day? How can I maximize my strengths? How can I minimize my weaknesses? How can I reconnect with my true passion? How can I reinforce my goal and action plan? How can I take better care of myself? How can I turn this to my advantage? How can I use meditation to solve with this problem? How could I do this even better? How could I improve my posture? How could I make my goals more challenging? How could I support myself more? How did I succeed in the past? How do I choose to respond to this? How do I deal with people problems? How do I need to change my beliefs in order to achieve my goal? How do I need to change my personality in order to achieve my goal? How do I respond in the midst of turmoil? How do I see myself? How do I show myself approval and respect? How do I talk to myself? How do I want others to perceive me? How does achieving my goal affect the other areas of my life? How does technology influence the type of work I do? How happy would I like to be? How have I attracted this behavior into my life? How have I dealt with this in the past and did it help or hinder things? How have my actions and habits created my life? How have my attitudes affected my life? How have my beliefs affected my life? How is this belief helping me? Hindering me? How many options have I found so far? How much time and effort am I prepared to commit to my goal? How much time do I need to work each day in order to achieve my goal? How serious am I about achieving this goal? How will I celebrate and reward myself for achieving my goal? How will I know when I have achieved my goal? How will my goal support my economic needs? How would achieving my goal benefit me? How would achieving my goal benefit my community? How would achieving my goal benefit my friends and family? How would achieving my goal benefit the world? How would I feel about this if I was more ...? How would I like to contribute to my community? How would I look and act if I was more ...? How would I look at the world if I was already successful? How would I relate to others if I was more ...? How would my life be if I was more ...? How would my life improve if I changed this attitude? How would my life improve if I changed this belief? How would my life improve if I conquered this habit? How would my life improve if I overcame this fear? How would my mentor solve this problem? What accomplishments have given me the most personal fulfilment? What action steps can I take right now? What action steps must I take first? What action steps would have the biggest impact? What action steps would produce the quickest results? What actions have I taken so far towards my goal? What actions would improve my health and well-being? What activities do I least enjoy doing and how could I make them more enjoyable? What activities give me the greatest feeling of achievement? What activities give me the most pleasure? What advice should I seek? What advice would I give myself? What alternative beliefs would serve me better? What am I accountable for in my life? What am I most proud of? What am I really good at? What am I willing to do to solve this problem? What are my current responsibilities? What are my goals for each role in my life? What are my goals for the next year... 2 years... 5 years? What are my key areas for improvement? What are my main strengths? What are my motivational hot buttons? What are my personal values? What are my strongest beliefs? What are my top 3 goals for the next year? What are the pros and cons in this situation? What are the pros and cons involved? What are the real risks involved? What are the steps I need to take in order to achieve my goal? What area of knowledge represents my greatest asset? What areas of my life need improvement? What areas of my life represent the greatest potential for growth? What aspects of my life do want to change most? What aspects of my life represent the biggest drain on my energy? What aspects of my personality are holding me back? What assets do I have right now? What assistance can I get with this? What attitude change would help solve this problem? What attitudes and beliefs do I need to change? What attitudes do I need to drop? What attitudes do I want to develop? What bad habits do I want to break? What benefits will achieving my goal bring? What blockages have I encountered in the past? What bothers me most about this situation and how can I change this reaction? What can I borrow to help with this? What can I do about this right now? What can I do differently? What can I do each day to keep my motivation high? What can I do each morning to get my day off to a great start? What can I do right now about potential obstacles that might arise? What can I do right now to make a difference? What can I do to get the results I really want? What can I do to improve this situation? What can I do today to solve this problem? What can others do to help me? What career would mean success to me? What changes can I make that would improve my life? What changes do I need to make in the way I operate? What changes would I like to make in my life? What circumstances tend to de-motivate me and how can I eliminate these? What conditions would make me most happy? What could get in the way of achieving my goal? What could I be doing to get more from this activity? What could I do right now to move me closer to my goal? What could I do to ensure less stress in my life? What could I do to make daily activities more enjoyable? What could I trade or offer in exchange? What could I usefully do more of? What could make me even more healthy? What deep emotional value or meaning does this have for me? What did I accomplish last year? What did I enjoy doing as a child? What do I believe is worthwhile? What do I care about most? What do I consider to be my weaknesses? What do I do better than most people? What do I do when Im trying to please someone else? What do I get out of my job that is important to me? What do I like about my job? What do I like most about myself? What do I most look forward to in the week? What do I most value about myself? What do I most value about relationships? What do I most value about work? What do I need right now? What do I need to do right now? What do I need to do to overcome my weaknesses? What do I need to know to make progress with my goals? What do I need to see, hear or feel to let me know that I am appreciated? What do I really want from life? What do I really want to happen? What do I stand for? What do I think has held me back in the past? What do I want from this relationship? What do I want out of life? What do I want people to remember me for? What do I want right now? What do I want to accomplish in my lifetime? What do I want to accomplish? What do I want to achieve by the end of today? What do I want to be doing in five years’ time? What do I want to be remembered for? What do I want to change about myself? What do I want to eliminate from my life? What do I want to experience? What do I want to gain from this experience? What do I want to happen next? What do my actions suggest about my commitment? What do my bookshelves say about me? What do my clothes say about me? What do other people most often identify as my strengths? What do the furnishings in my house say about me? What does contentment mean to me? What does health mean to me? What does lifestyle mean to me? What does my ideal life look, feel, and sound like? What does my mission statement say? What does personal development mean to me? What does spiritual life mean to me? What does success look like to me? What does success mean to me? What does this belief tell me about myself? What does wealth mean to me? What education or qualifications will I need to acquire? What effect do I want to have on others? What excuses have I been using in the past? What experience will I need to acquire? What feelings do I want as a result of achieving this change? What feelings do I want to experience as a result of my dream? What first step can I take now? What funds do I need to have in place first? What groups or associations might be able to help me? What has been holding me back so far? What has stopped me from attaining this goal in the past? What have I achieved thus far? What have I learned from my past mistakes? What inspires me most about my goal? What is going really well for me right now? What is important to me about what I am doing right now? What is it about this person that I admire? What is it that I love to do? What is most important to me right now? What is my definition of ‘success’? What is my purpose in life? What is my true passion in life? What is my unique role in the universe? What is really at issue here? What is the best time and place for uninterrupted work? What is the best way to begin this project? What is the biggest impediment to my success right now and how can I overcome it? What is the completion date for my goal? What is the intention in what I am doing right now? What is the lesson in this experience? What is the most important reason for my achieving this goal? What is the next step? What is the probable outcome in this situation? What is the quality of my relationship with myself? What is the truth about this situation? What is the worst thing that could happen if I do what I want to do? What is the worst thing that could happen if I stand up for myself? What is there in my life now that detracts from my health and well-being? What kind of environment motivates me? What kind of person would I most like to be? What kind of support do I need? What knowledge, skills, and personal qualities do I need to acquire? What makes me happy? What makes me smile? What makes me unique? What motivates me more than anything else? What motivational blocks do I need to remove? What needs to happen in order for me to get...? What new disciplines or habits do I need to build into my life? What new experiences do I need to pursue? What new habits must I develop in order to achieve my goal? What new skills will I need to learn? What now needs to be left in the past? What obstacles currently stand in my way? What obstacles do I anticipate along the way? What old habits must I eliminate in order to achieve my goal? What one thing can I do every day to take me closer to my goal? What one thing could I believe right now that would take me closer to achieving my goal? What opportunities are open to someone with my strengths? What opportunities could I create if I developed a particular strength? What opportunities do I have right now? What other options do I have? What past experiences can help me with this? What personal qualities do I have? What personal qualities do I want to develop? What positive knowledge can I gain from this experience? What positive strategy can I use for overcoming obstacles? What positive thing can I say to this person? What potential opportunity does this situation present? What problem would I most like to put behind me? What problems could my weaknesses cause if left unchecked? What problems do I need to solve? What problems need to be addressed right now? What propels me out of bed in the morning? What qualities would be included on a personal reference from my employer? What qualities would my best friend say I possess? What really gets me excited? What really motivates me to action? What resources do I already have that can help me achieve this outcome? What resources do I have access to that others don’t? What resources do I lack? What resources do I need right now? What resources do I need to collect first? What resources do I need to do this? What resources will I need while I’m working towards my goal? What rewards have I promised myself for the completion of sub-goals and goals? What roles do I play in my life? What roles do I want to play in my life? What rules am I operating under, and are they true? What schedule would be most efficient and proactive? What setbacks could my weaknesses cause and how can I overcome these? What should I sacrifice in order to achieve my goal? What skill can I learn that would make this easier? What skills and resources do I have that will help me reach my goal? What skills do I need to learn? What skills do other people recognize in me? What skills, abilities, and knowledge do I need to acquire in order to achieve my goal? What skills, abilities, and knowledge will I use to achieve my goal? What small action would act as a trigger to prompt me to take further action? What small step can I take each day that will move me towards my goal? What solutions have I found so far? What specific action will take me closer to my goal? What specific and measurable differences do I want to see? What steps am I taking to achieve my goals? What tasks do I find most difficult, and how can I overcome this? What techniques could help me maintain my motivation? What technological trends can affect my career? What technologies are emerging in my area of expertise? What technology skills would improve my ability to perform? What things generate enthusiasm for me? What things help to increase my energy levels? What things really turn me on? What times of the day are most productive for each activity? What tools will I require? What training or education do I need to pursue? What trends are having an impact in my current career? What type of character traits would overcome these obstacles? What values are at the core of all my decisions? What values are important to me? What values do I demonstrate daily? What were my childhood dreams and ambitions? What were the biggest disappointments in my life? What will be the long-term benefits of letting go of this belief? What will be the long-term cost if I don’t give up this belief? What will I be doing in 5 years if I do not accomplish my goals? What will my goal contribute to my success and happiness? What will my goals look and feel like, when I achieve them? What will this do for me right now? What would be sufficient time for this activity? What would be the consequences of staying the way I am? What would bring a big smile to my face right now? What would I do if I felt no fear? What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail? What would I do if I only had one year to live? What would I do if I suddenly had an extra hour every day? What would I do if I was in perfect health? What would I do if I were rich? What would I do if I won the lottery? What would I do if money was not an issue? What would I have to believe in order to act with certainty? What would I like my children and grandchildren to remember about me? What would I like to change about my job? What would I like to change about my life? What would I love to do that I am good at? What would I love to do that I are not currently good at? What would I prefer to happen? What would I rather be doing and why? What would it be like if I was ...? What would it be like to have ...? What would it take to ...? What would make my daily activities more fun? What would motivate me for the next 15 minutes? What would my ideal job be like? What would my mentor do? What would my partner say they most admired about me? What would my perfect life look like? Feel like? Sound like? What would my self-talk sound like if I was more ...? Which tasks are least important? Which tasks are most important today? Which tasks offer the greatest impact?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:07:31 +0000

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