EMPTY ROOM I love you and yes Im ready to give this union my - TopicsExpress


EMPTY ROOM I love you and yes Im ready to give this union my best, youre the best thing that ever happened to me. Do you know you can only have such sweet relationship when your room is neat, well arranged, placing everything well? Enough of loving your partner, loving yourself, finding your purpose and take this morning to check what you have in your room that needs re-arranging or orderliness. So what do I mean by room? That is why I am re-posting this to help many people out there know the number one reason why some relationships fails. The state of your room is important. Old belongings and unwanted things are mostly packed in an unused available room making it unkempt. An unused room can accommodate anything, check for such rooms in your house, that is where we have the largest number of cockroaches, rats and so on. Now, who invited these pests into this room, nothing but the state of disarray in the room, no one takes care or takes responsibility for such room except these pests who makes it their lovely abode. Then, someone wants to make use of that room, there comes arrangement, application of insecticides, room spray to smell well, nice decoration to look well and so on. It means someone now owns that room and the dirty unused room has become clean used room. So also it is with our lives; a life without Christ is just like the empty room without owner, which can accommodate just anything at any time; unwanted sickness, marital failure, stagnancy and so on. The devil can come in and out of such life, such life exhibits fully grown fruits of the flesh, little foxes find their way into such life to manipulate (Solomon 2:15). Some people in this category are even afraid of so many things, some cant sleep at night because of the terror at night and even the arrow that flies by day can hit them. A life controlled by the devil cannot experience joy, because joy is from the Lord and its the strength of His own alone. Just like an unused room cannot be occupied without your approval or invitation, a life controlled by the devil and his cohorts cannot be changed without your readiness to invite Christ to clean up your room which is your heart or life. Do you want your room to be clean and neatly decorated? You can take the step today by turning to God now and inviting Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour, asking for forgiveness and ready to follow Him alone because only he who dwells in the secret place of the most high can abide under His shadow (Psalm 91). If youre ready, just say this prayer; Dear God I know Im a sinner, I know I am not where I want to be, and I want your forgiveness! I believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for my sins. Please wash me clean from all sin, shame, and guilt, come into my life Jesus to be my Lord and Saviour. I ask this in your name Jesus. Amen! If you just said that prayer, congratulations you are now a child of God. Another important thing is; the room cannot be continually clean if you dont take care of it. This is an aspect some christians have also neglected. Dont stay at the cross and stare, you need to work to make the devil afraid of coming to your room again. Pray, study the word, love others, evangelize, be kind and so on (Matt.3:8, Luke 3:8), all these are the ingredients needed to keep your room neat with the occupant. Confession: I live for Christ Prayer: Revive me oh Lord, and make me heavenly conscious. Fill me with your Spirit so as not to be an empty Christian God bless you Oluwatoyin Adebowale KEY ©2014
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:35:07 +0000

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