EN - Parliamentary elections in Ukraine - Election Observation - TopicsExpress


EN - Parliamentary elections in Ukraine - Election Observation Delegation: Election Day - Statement by Andrej Plenković (EPP,HR), Chair of the EP Observation Delegation - 26.10.2014 And we have observed that the electoral process and the actual voting and checking of the documents is going really in an #orderly fashion, in a #calm atmsophere. We talked to the electoral commission here and they are informing us that everything is in the best possible order, the voting is proceeding #normally. (...) We are contact with our teams in Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Cherkasy, and everything seems to be going #fine. The Observers are in constant contact, and the rest of the European Parliaments team as well as the rest of the contacts I had in the course of the morning with our friends from the Council of Europe, the OHDIR/OSCE, and the NATO PA, their impressions are also very #positive and #correct. Arrival of European Parliament Election Observer Rebecca Harms (Greens/EFA, DE) and European Parliament advisers at polling station nr 686 in Vinogradar district, outskirts of Kiev. Rebecca HARMS (Greens/EFA, DE) observing the opening of the polling station and discussing with local election supervisors. Shot of candidate list photo of Nadiya Savschenko (candidate no1 Batkivshchyna party), Ukrainian Army pilot captured by pro-Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine and imprisoned in Russia. Shot of candidate list photo of Ioulia Tymochenko. Exterior of polling station nr.223, in Andriyvskiy Uzviz, Central Kiev. Andrej Plenkovic (EPP,HR), Chair of the EP Election Observation delegation, and staff looking at candidate list in polling station. Close-up of candidate list photo of Арсеній Яценюк (current Prime Minister, Peoples Front). Andrej PLENKOVIC (EPP,HR), Chair of the EP Election Observation delegation, and staff observing at polling station. Leonid Kuchma, former President of Ukraine arrives at polling station, shakes hand with EP Election Observation delegation,Andrej PLENKOVIC (EPP,HR) and proceeds to vote. Statement by Andrej Plenkovic. Maidan Square Chair of the EP Election Observation delegation, Andrej PLENKOVIC (EPP,HR) paying his respect by memorial plaque for the Heavenly Hundred killed during Maidan events Chair of the EP Election Observation delegation, Andrej PLENKOVIC (EPP,HR) paying his respect before the Institutska Memorial for the victims of the Maidan events. © Frédérick Moulin 2014 - EU2014 - All rights reserved.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:12:34 +0000

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